Instructions For Schedule F (Form 990) - Statement Of Activities Outside The United States - 2013


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Schedule F
(Form 990)
Statement of Activities Outside the United States
Section references are to the Internal Revenue
and distributions made by the
(Part II), or grants and other assistance
Code unless otherwise noted.
organization during the tax year to
to individuals outside the United States
foreign organizations, foreign
(Part III) that do not fit on the first page
Future Developments
governments, and foreign
of these parts. Number each page of
individuals. It also includes grants and
each part.
For the latest information about
other assistance to domestic
developments related to Form 990 and
Who Must File
individuals or domestic
its instructions, such as legislation
organizations for the purpose of
An organization that answered “Yes” to
enacted after they were published, go to
providing grants to designated foreign
Form 990, Part IV, Checklist of Required
beneficiaries. It does not include
Schedules, lines 14b, 15, or 16, must
salaries or other compensation to
complete the appropriate parts of
General Instructions
employees or payments to
Schedule F (Form 990) and attach
Note. Terms in bold are defined in the
independent contractors; the
Schedule F (Form 990) to Form 990.
Glossary of the Instructions for Form
payment of any benefit by a section
If an organization is not required to
501(c)(9) voluntary employees'
file Form 990 but chooses to do so, it
beneficiary association (VEBA) to
Purpose of Schedule
must file a complete return and provide
employees of a sponsoring organization
all of the information requested,
or contributing employer, if such
Schedule F (Form 990) is used by an
including the required schedules.
payment is made under the terms of the
organization that files Form 990 to
VEBA trust and in compliance with
provide information on its activities
section 505; or payments or other
conducted outside the United States
assistance to affiliates or branch offices
Reporting on Schedule F (Form 990) is
by the organization at any time during
that are not organized as legal entities
the tax year.
based on the following geographic
separate from the filing organization.
Activities conducted outside the
United States include grants and
“Program services” are activities
other assistance, program-related
conducted by the organization outside
Central America and the
investments, fundraising activities,
the United States that form the basis of
unrelated trade or business, program
the organization's exemption from
services, investments, or maintaining
federal income tax. Examples of
Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas,
offices, employees, or agents for the
program services include, but are not
Barbados, Belize, Cayman Islands,
purpose of conducting any such
limited to, operating an orphanage,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican
activities in regions outside the United
school, hospital, church, temple,
Republic, El Salvador, Grenada,
mosque, or synagogue; disaster relief
Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti,
efforts; and providing indigent relief.
Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique,
United States is defined as the 50
Nicaragua, Panama, St. Kitts & Nevis,
states and the District of Columbia, the
See Glossary in the Instructions for
St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines,
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Form 990 for the definition of the
Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
following terms.
Islands, and British Virgin Islands.
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and
Unrelated trade or business.
the United States Virgin Islands. A
East Asia and the Pacific
Fundraising activities.
“foreign country” is any sovereignty that
Maintaining offices, employees, or
Australia, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia,
is not the United States.
China (including Hong Kong), East
Foreign organization.
Timor, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati,
Information is to be reported based
Foreign government.
Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Marshall
on the geographic regions described
Foreign individual.
Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru,
below. Report activities conducted by
Grants and other assistance.
New Zealand, North Korea, Palau,
the organization directly or indirectly
Joint venture.
Papua New Guinea, Philippines,
through a disregarded entity, or
Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands,
Disregarded entity.
through a joint venture treated as a
South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand,
United States.
Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu,
For purposes of Schedule F (Form
Parts II and III of Schedule F (Form
and Vietnam.
990), grants and other assistance
990), and the Part I, line 3 table of
includes awards, prizes, contributions,
Schedule F, may be duplicated to list
noncash assistance, cash allocations,
additional activities per region (Part I),
stipends, scholarships, fellowships,
grants and other assistance to
research grants, and similar payments
organizations outside the United States
Sep 09, 2013
Cat. No. 51530J


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