Department of the Treasury
Form 1040-V
Internal Revenue Service
Use Form 1040-V only if you have a balance due on line 72 of your 2003 Form 1040 and you make your payment by check or money
order. Use the envelope that came with your 2003 Form 1040 instruction booklet to mail your 2003 tax return, payment, and
Form 1040-V. See the instructions below and on the envelope.
Instructions for
How To Fill In Form 1040-V
How To Send In Your 2003
● Enter the amount you are paying by
Tax Return, Payment, and
Form 1040-V
check or money order in the space
Form 1040-V
Do You Have To Use
● Do not staple or otherwise attach your
● If your name, address, or SSN is not
Form 1040-V?
payment or Form 1040-V to your return or
shown correctly on Form 1040-V, cross out
to each other. Instead, just put them loose
the incorrect information and print the
We strongly encourage you to use
in the envelope.
correct information.
Form 1040-V, but there is no penalty if you
● Mail your 2003 tax return, payment, and
do not. If you file Form 1040A or Form
● Use only this original Form 1040-V.
Form 1040-V in the envelope that came
1040EZ, do not use Form 1040-V.
Do not use a photocopy.
with your 2003 Form 1040 instruction
You Received Additional
How To Prepare Your Payment
Forms 1040-V. Which One
● Make your check or money order
Note. If you do not have that envelope or
Should You Use?
payable to the “United States Treasury.”
you moved during the year, see Where Do
Do not send cash.
You File? on the back cover of your 2003
Use this one because it has your name,
● Make sure your name and address
Form 1040 instruction booklet.
address, and social security number (SSN)
appear on your check or money order.
preprinted on it. This saves you the trouble
● Enter “2003 Form 1040,” your daytime
of entering the information and allows us
What If You File Electronically? If you file
to process your payment more accurately
electronically and have a balance due, you
phone number, and your SSN on your
and efficiently. If you received another
must use Form 1040-V if you make your
check or money order. If you are filing a
Form 1040-V with the information
joint return, enter the SSN shown first on
payment by check or money order. Follow
preprinted, you may use either one. The
your return.
your preparer’s or transmitter’s instructions
Form 1040-V in your 2003 Form 1040
for mailing your payment and Form
● To help process your payment, enter the
instruction booklet does not have the
1040-V. If you pay the balance due
amount on the right side of your
information preprinted.
electronically, do not use Form 1040-V.
check like this: $ XXX.XX. Do not use
For more information on electronic
dashes or lines (for example, do not enter
payment options, you can refer to your
“$ XXX—” or “$ XXX
2003 Form 1040 instruction booklet or your
preparer’s or transmitter’s instructions.
Detach Here
Cat. No. 32205N
Detach Here
Form 1040-V , Payment Voucher
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
See instructions above.
Use Form 1040-V when paying the balance due on Form 1040.
Amount you are paying by
Do not staple Form 1040-V to your payment or return.
Do not use Form 1040-V to pay quarterly estimated taxes.
check or money order.
Enter your SSN on your check or money order.
Cross out any incorrect information and print the correct information.
OMB No. 1545-0074
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions.