Tax Information - Motorcycles: Sales Tax On Street-Legal And Off-Road Vehicle


Tax Information
Susan Combs
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
February 2012
Sales Tax on Street-Legal and Off-Road Vehicles
Off-Road Vehicles
The amount and type of tax due on motorcycles, all-
terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility vehicles is deter-
Off-road vehicles are self-propelled vehicles designed for
mined by whether the vehicle is street-legal or designed
off-road (i.e., not on public streets and highways) use.
for off-road use. Motor vehicle tax applies to street-legal
Examples include dirt bikes, mini bikes or mini motor-
vehicles. Sales and use tax is due on off-road motor-
cycles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), utility vehicles and
cycles, ATVs and utility vehicles.
other vehicles not designed or intended by the manu-
facturer to meet motor vehicle registration and safety
Street-Legal Vehicles Designed for
inspection standards.
Highway Use
Off-road vehicles are subject to sales tax, not motor
Street-legal motorcycles designed for highway use are
vehicle tax. The sales and use tax statutes are found in
taxed at 6.25 percent state tax only. There is no local
Chapter 151 of the Texas Tax Code. The state sales and
tax on motor vehicle sales. The motor vehicle tax stat-
use tax rate is 6.25 percent. Off-road vehicles are also
utes are found in Chapter 152 of the Texas Tax Code.
subject to applicable local sales or use taxes up to 2 per-
cent. Dealers are responsible for collecting the state and
County tax assessor-collectors collect motor vehicle
local taxes from purchasers and remitting those taxes to
sales tax at the time of vehicle titling and registration.
the Comptroller.
The tax base is the total consideration paid for the
vehicle less an allowance for a motor vehicle traded in
The Tax Code treats street-legal and off-road vehicles
and accepted by the seller as part of the consideration
differently with regard to charges for the dealer’s VIT
for the motor vehicle sold.
and the documentary fee charged for the handling of
registration and titling the vehicle. These taxes and fees
The total consideration paid for a motor vehicle does
are part of the taxable sales price of off-road vehicles.
not include a charge for motor vehicle inventory tax
Dealers are responsible for collecting the state sales and
(VIT) or a documentary fee charged for handling reg-
local taxes on the VIT and documentary fees charged
istration and titling. The VIT is a local property tax on
in connection with the sale of an off-road vehicle. The
the motor vehicle dealer’s inventory excluded by Texas
sales price does exclude the value of a trade used to
Tax Code Section 152.002. A documentary fee is con-
reduce the selling price of a taxable vehicle, provided
sidered a nontaxable charge occurring after the sale.
it is a type of property sold by the seller in the regular
course of business.
98-805 (02/12)


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