Revision 2/06/2017
Processing Submission Checklist
Loan Number & Name:
Checklist completed by:
Loan Program:
Checklists - Internal
Story to Underwriting
All items should be grouped by borrower and in order from newest to oldest. Bank statements
Does funding fee in Architect match? (Org. summary> Closing Costs> Services Tab> VA funding Fee)
Conv: if LTV is >80% loan will require PMI. Check to see if the proper PMI has been disclosed (Org.
Summary> Ratios)
USDA 3555-21
Copy all pages from RESPA to this container. Once GUS has been run, update your 3555 from GUS and
print only updated pg. 1 to this container. Junk old pg. 1, pg. 3-5. At initial submission, you should have
updated pg. 1, signed pg. 2, pgs 6-7
Credit report
Legible? Any student loans updated per agency guidelines? Estimated payments updated to 5% of
balance? Alerts that need cleared? Within 90 days? Any inquries?
Any child support docs, divorce docs, inquiry certs, etc.
Credit Misc
Put in Credit Misc container-Print VA Certifie true copy letter here also
Savings makes sense? fill out based on credit report and payoff/mtg statement in REO
Tradeline updated to show no to ratios, yes to payoff & updated to show payoff amount (Org. Summary>
Assets & Liabilities> Liabilities> Detail)
MB updated to match docs in VP? Make sure present housing matches REO
Tagged? Grouped by Borrower and in order newest to oldest. Any loan or child support deductions?
Other unexplained deductions?
Tagged? Grouped by Borrower and in order newest to oldest. Does work history match W2's? (Org.
Summary> Employment)
USDA-Income disclosure moved over from RESPA?
Income Misc
Income Calculation
Uploaded as XML or PDF (USDA). Architect updated? (Org. Summary> Employment> Income)
Tax Returns
Tagged? Grouped by Borrower and in order newest to oldest. Owe taxes? Schedule C, E, F or
unreimbursed expenses?
Tax Transcripts
Borrowers filed jointly?
Borrowers job title, time on job, dates start/end updated. Tagged? Third party verification for each
employer. (Org. Summary> Employment> Employer)
Bank Statements
Architect updated with balance, account number and bank address. Tagged? (Org. Summary> Assets &
Liabilities> Assets> Detail, Bank)
Earnest Money or DD?
In file? Cleared? Architect updated? (Org. Summary> Assets & Liabilities> Other Assets)
Assets Misc.
Any reserves or retirement being used as funds to close?
Moved from bank account to other assets? Gift letter? Deposited or Undeposited?
Source of Down
Update Architect with the following when applicable-gift funds, equity from pending sale of property,
retirement funds, etc. (Org. Summary> Assets & Liabilities> Other Assets)
MV updated in MB? (Org. Summary> Appraised Value) Is appraisal marked Subject to?
UCDP run for CONV and added to Appraisal Misc? Appraisal identifier added to MB? & Appraisal date?
(Org. Summary> Loan Status> Addnt'l Info> Appraisal Identifier, Date)
FHA-EAD & Appraisal
EAD run and added to Appraisal Misc? Appraisal logging run through FHA connection and added to FHA
case docs? Post logging case query added to FHA Case docs?
Sales Contract
Uploaded with all addendums? Is copy of EMD within sales contract?
FHA case number assignment & Refi auth if applicable. Passed validation?
FHA Case docs
Premium and due date updated? (Org. Summary> Prepaids/Escrows> Haz Ins Premium> Haz Ins due
date) Loan status, addtl info, hazard & flood section completed?
Flood Cert
In a flood?
Title Commitment
Dated within 60 days? Names and loan amounts match?
Tax Cert
Architect updated? (Org. Summary> Prepaids/Escrows> Edit taxes based upon state)
Submission Docs
Read through and make sure no findings were due to processor error (Interfaces> Dataverify Interface>
Drive Report
Dataverify Submission> Submit> Clikck here to view Loan> Log In> Print Options> (Check: Results
Summary, Borrower Profile, Loan Participant Analysis, Wathlist Match Report> Print Selected> Print (at
the top of screen)> Print to VP and place in Fraud Reports container
AUS Findings
Does your LTV & Ratios match Architect? Do you have an approve eligible? Cash to close match? Debts
omitted? Credit Ref number matches? (Org. Summary> FNMA DU interface> DU loan Submission>
Submit> Select New or Resubmit when applicable> if resubmit, select use existing or re-issue when
applicable(when new credit has been pulled)
GUS Findings
Does your LTV & Ratios match Architect? Do you have an approve eligible? Debts omitted? Credit Ref
number matches? Are you showing reserves? Does 3555-21 match Details of Transaction in MB?
Conventional Loan
AUS Conv: is property PIW elligible? (Check Property & Appraisal section on DU)
AUS,1008 and 1003
1008: Mortgage originator: Seller (Org. Summary> 1008> Mtg. & Apprasier Tab> Seller), Proeprty Review:
Exterior/Interior, Form Number: 1004/70 (1008> LTV/Ratios tab> Property Review & Form #), Property
Valuation: Full Appraisal, Special Feature Codes: 127,180 (1008> Delivery info)
FHA Loan
92900 Addendum: FHA Case #, Sec of Act: 203(b) (Org. Summary> FHA> 92900 Addnendum)
Addendum and FHA
FHA Transmittal: Mortgage Info: Secondary Financing, gift, Old Case number, MIP Refund if applicable.
FHA Screens
Underwriting info 2: CAIVRS (starts with an A), LDP/GSA - NO, Homebuyer Counseling: A-not counseled,
CHUMS ID: ZFHA, Accept/Approve by FHA total scorecard (Org. Summary> FHA> FHA transmittal>
Underwriting Info 2)
FHA Screens
Conditional Commitment: Complete with Appraisal info: Commitment issued date, improved living area,
Remaining economic life, check eligible for max financing (Org. Summary> FHA> FHA conitional
VA Loan
Analysis Worksheet: UW Certification: CAIVRS (Org. Summary> VA> VA Analysis Worksheet> UW cert)
HUD VA Addendum,Loan
Summary and Loan
VA Screens
VA26-1802 Addendum: Agency Case # (pull from the notepad if appraisal has been ordered) (Org.
Summary> VA> 26-1802> Agency Case #)
VA Loan Summary: Pull from COE: Entitlement code, Entitlement amount, branch of service, milatary
VA Screens
status (Org. Summary> VA> VA Loan Summary Sheet)
VA Screens
VA Loan Summary: Type of Loan: Automatic or IRRL (when applicable), Energy improvements: None
(unless otherwise stated), VA Appraisal Type: LAPP appraisal, MH Category: Other-not M/H
VA Screens
VA Loan Summary: Fill out LAPP screens once appraisal is in
1008: Mortgage originator: Seller (Org. Summary> 1008> Mtg. & Apprasier Tab> Seller), Proeprty Review:
GUS,1003,1008 and
Exterior/Interior, Form Number: 1004/70 (1008> LTV/Ratios tab> Property Review & Form #), Property
Valuation: Full Appraisal, Special Feature Codes: 127,180 (1008> Delivery info)