FORM # FRX0012
Prior Authorization Request Form for Antifungals-
Member Information
Provider Information
Patient Name ____________________________ Provider Name _____________________________
Cardholder ID ___________________________ DEA Number ______________________________
Date of Birth ____________________________ Address ___________________________________
Address ________________________________ City, State and Zip ___________________________
City, State Zip ___________________________ Phone Number ______________________________
Phone Number ___________________________ FAX Number _______________________________
Pharmacy Information
Pharmacy Name___________________Address__________________Phone______________________
Criteria for Approval:
1. Antifugal requested: Check one (please include strength):
2. Does the patient have a diagnosis of one of the following?
Check all that apply:
Cryptococcal Meningitis
Disseminated Candida
Other ________________
3. Has the diagnosis been confirmed by a KOH preparation or fungal culture? Yes
4. Has the patient been on the product requested for the previous 6 months?
5. Does the patient meet at least one of the following criteria? Check all that apply:
Patient is diabetic
Patient is immunocompromised due to AIDS, anti-rejection treatment, chemotherapy for cancer, etc
Patient has a systemic dermatosis with impaired skin integrity (i.e., pemphigus, ichthyosis)
Patient has peripheral vascular disease
Patient requires treatment of fingernails and/or toenails due to dermatophytes
Provider Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________________
Fax completed forms to (866) 284-4509.
For Office Use Only
Date/Time Received_____________________________________________________________________
Reference Number______________________________________________________________________
Approved / Denied (Circle One) by _____________________________ Date_______________________
Date/Time Returned to Provider___________________________________________________________
If you have any questions regarding this form, contact the Prior Authorization Department Toll Free at
(866) 284-4492 or FAX Toll Free at (866) 284-4509.
FOX Rx Care Utilization Management
3375-I Capital Circle NE
Tallahassee, FL 32308
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