Form 590-P Draft - Nonresident Withholding Exemption Certificate For Previously Reported Income - 2011


Nonresident Withholding Exemption Certificate
for Previously Reported Income
Keep this form with your S corporation, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC) for their records.
Name of S corporation shareholder, partner, or member
Address (number and street, PO Box, or PMB no.)
Apt. no./Ste. no.
ZIP Code
Entity type: Individual, Corporation, Estate or Trust, LLC, or Partnership
CA corp. no.
SOS file no.
To ______________________________________________________
This exemption form is for current or prior year’s income that has been
(Withholding agent, S corporation, partnership, or LLC)
reported on the pass-through entity’s California income tax return.
Certificate of previously reported income
Under penalties of perjury, I hereby certify that the California source income from the above-named S corporation, partnership, or LLC, (as shown on
Schedules K-1 (100S, 565, or 568), or other documents provided by the S corporation, partnership, or LLC) for the year(s) ___________________ has already
been reported as California source income on the above-named S corporation shareholder’s, partner’s, or member’s California income tax return for taxable
year(s) ____________________ and that no withholding is required. (The S corporation shareholder, partner, or member must have filed a California income tax
return prior to signing this certificate.)
Name and title (type or print) _____________________________________________________________ Daytime telephone no. (____) __________________
Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________
Date ______________________
For Privacy Notice, get form FTB 1131.
General Information
B Requirement
R&TC Section 18662 and related regulations require withholding of income or
References in these instructions are to the California Revenue and Taxation
franchise tax by S corporations, partnerships, or LLCs when distributions of money
Code (R&TC).
or property that represent California source income are made to S corporation
shareholders, partners, or members that are nonresidents of California.
Backup Withholding – Beginning on or after January 1, 2010, with certain limited
exceptions, payers that are required to withhold and remit backup withholding
Distributions subject to withholding include, but are not limited to, distributions
to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are also required to withhold and remit
that represent current year’s income or prior year’s income that should have
to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). The California backup withholding rate is 7%
been, but was not previously reported as income from California sources on the
of the payment. For California purposes, dividends, interests, and any financial
S corporation’s, partner’s, or member’s California income tax return. However,
institutions release of loan funds made in the normal course of business are
no withholding is required if the total distributions of California source income
exempt from backup withholding. For additional information on California backup
to the S corporation shareholder, partner, or member are $1,500 or less during
withholding, go to and search for backup withholding.
the calendar year. For more information on S corporation, partnership, or
LLC withholding, get FTB Pub. 1017, Resident and Nonresident Withholding
Private Mail Box (PMB) – Include the PMB in the address field. Write “PMB” first,
then the box number. Example: 111 Main Street PMB 123.
Foreign Address – Enter the information in the following order: City, Country,
Specific Instructions
Province/Region, and Postal Code. Follow the country’s practice for entering the
S Corporations, Partnerships, or LLCs. Do not send this form to the FTB. The
postal code. Do not abbreviate the country’s name.
withholding agent retains this form for a minimum of four years and must provide
A Purpose
it to the FTB upon request. This form may be completed for each distribution of
prior year’s income or it may be completed by the S corporation shareholders,
Use Form 590-P, Nonresident Withholding Exemption Certificate for Previously
partners, or members annually. For more information, call:
Reported Income, to certify an exemption from withholding on current year
distributions of an S corporation’s, partnership’s, or LLC’s prior year income if
you are a domestic (nonforeign) nonresident S corporation shareholder, partner,
or member. Foreign (non-U.S.) partners or members cannot use this form. If
you have already reported the income represented by this distribution on your
California tax return as income from California sources, file Form 590-P with the
S corporation, partnership, or LLC.
PO BOX 942867
The S corporation, partnership, or LLC will be relieved of the withholding
SACRAMENTO CA 94267-0651
requirements for your share of this distribution when relying in good faith on a
completed and signed Form 590-P.
You can download, view, and print California tax forms and publications at
Do not use Form 590-P if you are one of the following:
For all other questions unrelated to withholding or to access the TTY/TDD
• A foreign (non-U.S.) partner or member. There is no provision under R&TC
numbers, see the information below.
Section 18666 to allow an exemption from withholding for a foreign partner or
Internet and Telephone Assistance
• An S corporation shareholder, partner, or member who is a resident of
800.852.5711 from within the United States
California or an S corporation shareholder, partner, or member who has a
916.845.6500 from outside the United States
permanent place of business in California. Instead use Form 590, Withholding
800.822.6268 for persons with hearing or speech impairments
Exemption Certificate.
• Your income is not yet reported on your California tax return.
Asistencia Por Internet y Teléfono
Get Form 588, Nonresident Withholding Waiver Request, to request a waiver of
Sitio web:
withholding on payments of current year California source income.
800.852.5711 dentro de los Estados Unidos
916.845.6500 fuera de los Estados Unidos
800.822.6268 personas con discapacidades auditivas y del habla
Form 590-P


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