Instructions For Schedule A (Form 990 Or 990-Ez) - 2001 Page 12


Part VI-B—Lobbying
Line 51. Reporting of certain
transfers and transactions. Except
Part VII—Information
Activity by Nonelecting
as provided below, report on line 51
Regarding Transfers To
any transfer to or transaction with a
Public Charities
noncharitable exempt organization
and Transactions and
The Part VI-A instructions defining
even if the transfer or transaction
direct and grassroots lobbying activities
Relationships With
constitutes the only connection with the
noncharitable exempt organization.
by organizations that made the section
Noncharitable Exempt
501(h) election do not apply to
Related organizations. If the
nonelecting organizations that complete
noncharitable exempt organization is
Part VI-B.
related to or affiliated with the reporting
Part VII is used to report direct and
organization, report all direct and
indirect transfers to (line 51a), direct
indirect transfers and transactions
Part VI-B provides a reporting format
and indirect transactions with (line 51b),
except for contributions and grants
for any organization that engaged in
and relationships with (line 52) any
received by the reporting organization.
lobbying activities in its 2001 tax year
other noncharitable exempt
Unrelated organizations. All
but did not make a section 501(h)
organization (section 6033(b)(9)).
transfers from the reporting
lobbying expenditure election for that
A “noncharitable exempt
organization to an unrelated
year by filing Form 5768.
organization” is an organization exempt
noncharitable exempt organization
under section 501(c) (that is not exempt
must be reported on line 51a. All
A nonelecting public charity will
under section 501(c)(3)), or a political
transactions between the reporting
generally be regarded as lobbying if the
organization described in section 527.
organization and an unrelated
organization either: (1) contacts, or
noncharitable exempt organization
For purposes of these instructions,
urges the public to contact, members of
must be shown on line 51b unless they
the section 501(c)(3) organization
a legislative body for the purpose of
meet the exception in the specific
completing this Schedule A (Form 990
proposing, supporting, or opposing
instructions for that line.
or 990-EZ) is referred to as the
legislation or the government’s budget
Line 51a. Transfers. Answer “Yes” to
“reporting organization.”
process; or (2) advocates the adoption
lines 51a(i) and 51a(ii) if the reporting
A noncharitable exempt organization
or rejection of legislation.
organization made any direct or indirect
is related to or affiliated with the
transfers of any value to a
reporting organization if:
Nonelecting organizations must
noncharitable exempt organization.
1. The two organizations share
complete Part VI-B to show lobbying
A “transfer” is any transaction or
some element of common control or
expenditures paid or incurred.
arrangement whereby one organization
2. A historic and continuing
transfers something of value (cash,
relationship exists between the two
Note: In item g, “direct contact” means
other assets, services, use of property,
a personal telephone call or visit with
etc.) to another organization without
A noncharitable exempt
receiving something of more than
legislators, their staffs, or government
organization is unrelated to the
nominal value in return. Contributions,
reporting organization if:
gifts, and grants are examples of
These nonelecting organizations
1. The two organizations share no
must also attach a statement giving a
element of common control and
If the only transfers between the two
detailed description of their lobbying
2. A historic and continuing
organizations were contributions and
activities. The detailed description of
relationship does not exist between the
grants made by the noncharitable
lobbying activities should include all
two organizations.
exempt organization to the reporting
lobbying activities, whether expenses
organization, answer “No.”
An “element of common control” is
are incurred or not (e.g., even lobbying
Line 51b. Other transactions. Answer
present when one or more of the
activities carried out by unreimbursed
“Yes” for any transaction described in
officers, directors, or trustees of one
lines 51b(i) through (vi), regardless of
organization are elected or appointed
its amount, if it is with a related or
by the officers, directors, trustees, or
For example, the activities should be
affiliated organization.
members of the other. An element of
included in the attached statement if an
common control is also present when
Unrelated organizations. Answer
organization (either through its
more than 25% of the officers,
“Yes” for any transaction between the
employees or volunteers) attempts to
directors, or trustees of one
reporting organization and an unrelated
influence legislation in any of the
organization serve as officers, directors,
noncharitable exempt organization,
following ways:
or trustees of the other organization.
regardless of its amount, if the reporting
organization received less than
A “historic and continuing
Sending letters or publications to
adequate consideration. There is
relationship” exists when two
government officials or legislators.
adequate consideration where the fair
organizations participate in a joint effort
market value of the goods, other
Meeting with or calling government
to work in concert toward the
assets, or services furnished by the
officials or legislators.
attainment of one or more common
reporting organization is not more than
purposes on a continuous or recurring
Sending or distributing letters or
the fair market value of the goods,
basis rather than on the basis of one or
publications (including newsletters,
other assets or services received from
several isolated transactions or
brochures, etc.) to members or to the
the unrelated noncharitable exempt
activities. Such a relationship also
general public.
organization. The “exception” described
exists when two organizations share
below does not apply to transactions for
Using direct mail, placing
facilities, equipment, or paid personnel
less than adequate consideration.
advertisements, issuing press releases,
during the year, regardless of the
holding news conferences; or holding
length of time the arrangement is in
Answer “Yes” for any transaction,
rallies or demonstrations.
including transfers for adequate
Instructions for Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)


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