Veterinarian Release Form - Aquatic Bodywork And Massage


Veterinarian Release Form
Aquatic Bodywork and Massage
At Paradise Pet Spa, we work in conjunction with Veterinarians to create a rehabilitation program to best suit
the clients’ individual needs. Please fill out the following information and fax to (360) 668-2269. Thank you for
your time.
Pet’s Name: _____________________________ Client’s Name: ____________________________________
Reason for visit: __________________________________________________________________________
Recommended swim and/or massage program:
Warm Water Therapy:
(Please circle one)
30 minute sessions
60 minute sessions
Number of sessions per week? ________________ How many weeks? ________________
Therapeutic Massage:
(Please circle one)
30 minute sessions
60 minute sessions
Number of sessions per week? ________________ How many weeks? ________________
Limitations/ Restrictions:
I acknowledge that aquatic bodywork (swimming) is a cardiovascular exercise and aquatic bodywork and/or
massage is appropriate for this animal.
Clinic Name: ____________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
Veterinarian’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________________


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