Instructions for
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Form 941-SS
(Rev. October 2006)
For use with Form 941-SS (Rev. October 2006)
Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return—American Samoa, Guam, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
convenient programs to make filing and paying easier.
Spend less time and worry on taxes and more time running
otherwise noted.
your business. Use e-file and Electronic Federal Tax
Payment System (EFTPS) to your benefit.
What’s New
For e-file, visit for additional information.
For EFTPS, visit or call EFTPS Customer
Change to filing addresses. We changed the addresses
Service at 1-800-555-4477 (U.S. Virgin Islands only) or
where you should mail Form 941-SS. See Where Should
720-332-3780 (toll call).
You File? on page 2.
Social security wage base for 2006. Stop withholding
Change to reporting negative amounts. When reporting a
social security tax after an employee reaches $94,200 in
negative amount as a tax adjustment on line 7, use a “minus
taxable wages during 2006. (There is no limit on the amount
sign” instead of parentheses. Doing so enhances the
of wages subject to Medicare tax.)
accuracy of our scanning software. For example, report
“-10.59” instead of “(10.50). ” However, if your software only
Where can you get telephone help? You can call the IRS
allows for parentheses in reporting negative amounts, you
toll free at 1-800-829-4933 (U.S. Virgin Islands only) or
may use them.
non-toll free at 215-516-2000 to order tax deposit coupons
(Form 8109) and for answers to your questions about
completing Form 941-SS, tax deposit rules, or obtaining an
employer identification number (EIN). Or visit the IRS
Alternative signature method. Effective with returns filed
website at and type “Employment Tax” in the
after June 2005, corporate officers or duly authorized agents
Search box.
may sign Form 941-SS by rubber stamp, mechanical device,
or computer software program. For details and required
documentation, see Rev. Proc. 2005-39. You can find Rev.
General Instructions:
Proc. 2005-39 on page 82 of Internal Revenue Bulletin
2005-28 at /pub/irs-irbs/irb05-28.pdf.
Understanding Form 941-SS
Annual employment tax filing for small employers. For
calendar year 2006, certain small employers will be qualified
Purpose of Form 941-SS
to file Form 944-SS, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax
Return, rather than Form 941-SS, Employer’s QUARTERLY
Use Form 941-SS, Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax
Federal Tax Return, to report their employment taxes. The
Return, to report social security and Medicare taxes for
IRS will notify those who will qualify to file the form
workers in American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of
beginning in February 2006. For more information, get the
the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Instructions for Form 944-SS.
Correcting Form 941-SS. If you discover an error on a
Pub. 80 (Circular SS), Federal Tax Guide for Employers
previously filed Form 941-SS, make the correction using
in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the
Form 941-SS for the quarter in which you discovered the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, explains
error and attach Form 941c, Supporting Statement to
the requirements for withholding, depositing, and paying
Correct Information. For example, in March 2006, you
social security and Medicare taxes. It explains the forms you
discover that you underreported $10,000 in social security
must give your employees, those your employees must give
and Medicare wages on your fourth quarter 2005 Form
you, and those you must send to the IRS. See Pub. 15-A,
941-SS. Correct the error by showing $1,530 (15.3% ×
Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide, for specialized
$10,000) on line 7e of your 2006 first quarter Form 941-SS
employment tax information supplementing the basic
and attaching a completed Form 941c. Be sure to include
information provided in Pub. 80 (Circular SS).
the $1,530 in any required deposit.
Who Must File Form 941-SS?
Credit card payments. Beginning in 2006, employers can
pay the balance due shown on Form 941-SS by credit card.
However, do not use a credit card to make federal tax
Generally, you must file a return for the first quarter in which
deposits. For more information on paying your taxes with a
you pay wages subject to social security and Medicare
credit card, visit the IRS website at and type
taxes, and for each quarter thereafter until you file a final
“e-pay” in the Search box.
return. Use Form 941-SS if your principal place of business
Electronic filing and payment. Now, more than ever
is in American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the
before, businesses can enjoy the benefits of filing and
Northern Mariana Islands, or the U.S. Virgin Islands, or if
paying their federal taxes electronically. Whether you rely on
you have employees who are subject to income tax
a tax professional or handle your own taxes, IRS offers you
withholding for these jurisdictions.
Cat. No. 35530F