Abdominal Pain, Long-Term
Ongoing or recurrent abdominal pain, also called chronic pain, may be difficult to diagnose, causing frustration for both you and your doctor. Do your symptoms fit
one of the diagnoses described in this chart?
1. Does your pain get worse after you eat a big meal?
Go to Question 10.*
See your doctor. Eat smaller meals,
especially at night. Don't lie down right
2. Do you feel pressure in your upper abdomen that
Your problem may be a HIATAL HER-
after you eat. Use 2 or 3 pillows, or a
gets worse when you bend over or lie down at night?
foam wedge, or raise the head of your
bed to prevent discomfort.
Your pain may be from GASTRITIS,
Eat smaller meals and use an over-the
an ULCER or HEARTBURN; all are
3. Is the pain relieved by antacids?
-counter antacid. If antacids don't help,
irritations of the stomach and esopha-
see your doctor.
4. Does the pain start in your upper middle or upper
Your pain may be a sign of
right abdomen, and is it brought on by greasy or fatty
See your doctor.
(infection of the gallbladder).