1099 forms by calling (208) 334-7787, visiting the Tax Pros
page on the Tax Commission's Web site at tax.idaho.gov, or
contacting the Electronic Filing Coordinator at the address
Use Form 967, Idaho Annual Withholding Report, to report the
total taxable wages and reconcile the total amount of Idaho
taxes you withheld during the calendar year to the amount you
Mail the magnetic media, along with a signed, completed
paid to the Idaho State Tax Commission for the same calendar
Form 967 and Form 96-T, Idaho Magnetic Media Transmittal to:
year. Also use Form 967 to submit the state copy of the
Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, and any Forms 1099
Electronic Filing Coordinator
with Idaho income tax withholding to the Tax Commission.
Idaho State Tax Commission
PO Box 36
Who Must File. If you had an active Idaho withholding account
Boise ID 83722-0410
for any part of the year or withheld Idaho income taxes during
the year, you must file Form 967. You must file Form 967 even
You can find Form 96-T in the Idaho Magnetic Media
if you withheld no income tax from employees' wages or if you
Specifications booklet, on the Tax Commission's Web site, or
cancelled your account during the year.
by calling (208) 334-7787. If we don't receive a completed
Form 96-T, we may return the magnetic media to you and
When to File Form 967. Form 967 and W-2s and/or 1099s are
charge a penalty for late filing.
due on or before the last day of February if filing by paper.
Forms are due on or before the last day of March if filing
Rounding Amounts. Round the amounts on your return to the
whole dollar. Reduce amounts less than 50 cents to the whole
dollar. Increase amounts of 50 cents or more to the next whole
Ways to File. You can file electronically at tax.idaho.gov, or
send the signed and completed Form 967 with W-2s and/or
1099s to:
Records and Forms Needed to Complete the Reconciliation
Idaho State Tax Commission
PO Box 76
Payroll records
Boise ID 83707-0076
Completed W-2 forms and any 1099s with Idaho
Record of Idaho Withholding Payments
You can file the following online through our Web site at
Form 967, Idaho Annual Withholding Report
Required Information for State W-2s and 1099s:
W-2s with Form 967. You can file your W-2s electronically
Employer's name and address
by either entering the W-2 detail online or uploading a file.
Employer's EIN (federal Employer Identification Number)
If you choose a file upload, the specifications are available
Employer's Idaho withholding account number from
at tax.idaho.gov (click on Tax Pros). Idaho requires
Form 967 (do not include the "-W" at the end of the
electronic filing of W-2 forms for employers who meet the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements to file
Employee's name and address
electronically. If employers meet the IRS requirements but
Employee's Social Security number
have fewer than 50 employees working in Idaho, the state
State abbreviation (ID)
will accept either paper or electronic filing. If you meet
Federal and state taxable wages
these requirements but don't file electronically, we may
Idaho income tax withheld
return your W-2 statements to you and charge a penalty.
Tax year
1099s and information returns. You can file your 1099s
All copies of W-2 forms and 1099s must be legible and
and information returns electronically by uploading a file.
unaltered. The forms must be for the current year and show the
If you withheld Idaho income tax, you must include
correct state indicator. Your business name, EIN, and state
Form 967 with your file.
account number must match the preprinted Form 967.
If you e-file, don't send paper returns to the Tax Commission.
When you file your Form 967 by paper, you must attach paper
Wages and Withholding
W-2s and any 1099s with Idaho withholding to the form.
Complete the Record of Idaho Withholding Payments before
Please make sure all copies of employees' W-2s and 1099s
completing Form 967. You don't need to mail it to the Tax
are legible, especially any carbon copies.
Commission. You can find the worksheet at tax.idaho.gov
under Forms, then click on Miscellaneous Idaho Forms.
Magnetic Media
For tax year 2008 only, you can file your 1099 forms using
Line 1. Enter the total Idaho taxable wages shown on the W-2s.
magnetic media. After tax year 2008, you'll have to file the
1099s either electronically or by paper with a Form 967.
Line 2. Enter the total Idaho tax withheld included on your W-2s
(Box 17) and 1099s (Box 16).
You can get Idaho specifications for magnetic media filing of