Instructions for Filing
(Form B-01A)
Item 1
Enter the complete corporate name which must include a corporate ending required by N.C.G.S. §55D-20-01(a)
(corporation, company, limited, incorporated, corp., co., ltd., or inc.).
Item 2
Enter the name of the converting business entity and the name of the state or country whose laws govern the converting
business entity’s organization and internal affairs.
Item 3
Identify which type of business entity the converting business is.
Item 4
Enter the number of shares the corporation will have the authority to issue. Check (a) or (b), whichever is applicable. If
(b) is checked, add an attachment that includes the description of the designations, preferences, limitations, and relative
rights of the shares.
Item 5
Enter the complete street address of the registered office and the county in which it is located.
Item 6
Enter the complete mailing address of the registered agent only if mail is not delivered to the street address stated in Item 5
or if you prefer to receive mail at a P. O. Box or Drawer.
Item 7
Enter the name of the registered agent. The registered agent must be either a North Carolina resident at least 18 years old,
an existing business corporation, non-profit corporation, limited liability company, or a foreign business corporation, non-
profit corporation or limited liability company authorized to transact business or conduct affairs in North Carolina.
Item 8
Select item “a” if the corporation has a principal office. Enter the complete street address of the principal office and the
county in which it is located. If mail is not delivered to the street address of the principal office or if you prefer to receive
mail at a P.O. Box or Drawer, enter the complete mailing address of the principal office.
Select item “b” if the corporation does not have a principal office.
Item 9
See form.
Item 10
Enter the name and address of each incorporator. Only one incorporator is required in order to file.
Item 11
The document will be effective on the date and at the time of filing, unless a delayed date or an effective time (on the day
of filing) is specified. If a delayed effective date is specified without a time, the document will be effective at 11:59:59
p.m. on the day specified. If a delayed effective date is specified with a time, the document will be effective on the day and
time so specified. A delayed effective date may be specified up to and including the 90
day after the day of filing.
Date and Execution
Enter the date the document was executed.
In the blanks provided enter:
The name of the business entity executing the Articles of Incorporation; if an individual, leave blank.
The signature of the incorporator or representative of the incorporating business entity.
The name of the incorporator or name and title of the above signed representative
ATTENTION: Corporations wishing to render a professional service as defined in N.C.G.S. §55b-2(6) shall contact the appropriate
North Carolina licensing board to determine whether compliance with additional licensing requirements may be mandated by law.
P. O. BOX 29622
RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622
(Revised January 2002)
(Form B-01A)