Medical Terminology
Medical Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms: The Building Blocks of Medical Language
com‐, con‐ with, together, in association
a‐ not, without, less
cost(o)‐ rib
ab, abs‐ from, away from, off
cranio‐ cranium
acou‐ hearing
‐ia condition
acr(o)‐ extremity
‐crine secretion
ad‐ increase, adherence, motion toward
cry(o)‐ cold
aden(o)‐ gland
cyan(o)‐ blue
adip(o)‐ fat
cyst(i)‐, cyst(o)‐ bladder; cyst
‐al pertaining to
cyt‐, ‐cyte, cyto‐ cell
alb(o)‐ white
alge(si)‐, algio‐, algo‐ pain
dactyl(o)‐ finger, toe
allo‐ other, different
de‐ away from; cessation
ambi‐ around, on (both sides), on all sides, both
derm‐, derma‐, dermat(o)‐, dermo‐ skin
amyl(o)‐ starch
‐desis binding
an‐ not, without, less
dextr(o)‐ right, toward or on the right side
andr(o)‐ male
di‐, dif‐, dir‐, dis‐ separation, taking apart, reversal
angi(o)‐ vessel
duo‐ two
ankylo‐ crooked
duodeno‐ duodenum
ante‐ before
‐dynia pain
anti‐ against
dys‐ bad, difficult, wrong
apo‐ separated from, derived from
‐ar pertaining to
ect(o)‐ outer, on the outside
‐arche beginning
‐ectasia, ‐ectasis dilation, stretching
arteri(o)‐ artery
‐ectomy excision
arthr(o)‐ joint
encephal(o)‐ brain
‐ary pertaining to
end(o)‐ within, inner
‐ase enzyme
enter(o)‐ intestine
athero‐ pasty, fatty
ent(o)‐ inner, within
audi(o)‐ hearing
ep‐, epi‐ upon, following
aur(l)‐ ear
erythr(o)‐ red, redness
aut(o)‐ self, same
esthesio‐ sensation, perception
eu‐ good, well
bacteri(o)‐ bacteria
ex‐ out of, from, away from
bi‐ twice, double
exo‐ exterior, external, outward
bio‐ life
extra‐ without, outside of
blasto‐ budding of cells or tissue
brachi(o)‐ arm
fibr(o)‐ fiber
brachy‐ short
‐form in the form or shape of
bronch‐, bronch(i)‐ bronchus
brady‐ slow
galact(o)‐ milk
gastr(o)‐ stomach, belly
carcin(o)‐ cancer
gen‐, ‐gen producing, precursor, coming to be
cardi(o)‐ heart
gloss(o)‐ tongue
carpo‐ wrist
gluco‐ glucose
caud(o)‐ tail, lower part of body
glyco‐ sugars
‐cele hernia, swelling
gonio‐ angle
cephal(o)‐ the head
‐gram writing, recording
cervic(o)‐ neck; uterine cervix
granul(o)‐ granular
chir(o)‐ hand
gyn(e)‐, gyneco, gyno‐ women
cho(e)‐ bile
chondrio‐, chondr(o)‐ cartilage; granular; gritty
hem(a)‐, hemat(o)‐, hemo‐ blood
‐cidal, ‐cide killing, destroying
hepat‐, hepatico‐, hepato‐ liver
‐clast breaker
hemi‐ one‐half
co‐, col‐ with, together, in association