should be aggregated with the information for the owner's tax
Part I. Enter the tax jurisdiction only. Do not complete lines
jurisdiction of residence.
1 through 8 of Part I.
At each level, the owner entity includes its share of the
Part II. Complete Part II as needed to list all of the
stateless entity’s revenue and profits in the owner’s tax
constituent entities resident in the tax jurisdiction.
jurisdiction of residence only if the owner has a tax
Part III. Enter a statement that indicates this is a
jurisdiction of residence (that is, only if the owner is not
continuation sheet, the tax jurisdiction to which the
stateless), and the amount of revenue of the top-tier stateless
continuation sheet applies, and the page number of the
entity from which the owner entity calculates its share should
continuation sheets (for example, “Page 3 of 9”). Complete
include any allocations from stateless entities owned, directly
the rest of Part III as necessary.
or indirectly, by the top-tier stateless entity, even if such
Part I—Tax Jurisdiction Information
allocations are excluded from the intermediate stateless
entity’s revenue and profit.
For each tax jurisdiction in which one or more constituent
Example. Assume US Corp is the ultimate parent entity
entities of your group is tax resident, you must provide
of a U.S. MNE group. US Corp owns 90% of partnership P1
financial amounts and number of employees as an aggregate
which in turn owns 80% of partnership P2. Both P1 and P2
of the information for the constituent entities resident in that
do not have a tax jurisdiction of residence (that is, they are
tax jurisdiction.
stateless), each earns $100 of revenue and has no expenses
Tax jurisdiction. This field is mandatory. Enter the
(P1’s $100 of revenue does not include its allocable share of
two-letter code from the list at
for the
P2’s revenue), and neither creates a permanent
tax jurisdiction to which the Schedule A (Form 8975)
establishment (that is, taxable presence) in any tax
pertains. If the Schedule A (Form 8975) is for “stateless”
jurisdiction. Assume US Corp earns $100 of revenue, not
information, enter “X5.”
including its share of P1’s revenue, and has no expenses.
P2 has $100 of revenue and profit that is reflected on the
When you enter a country code in Schedule A (Form
stateless Schedule A revenue and profit lines. P1 has $100
8975), Part I, the financial and employee information
of revenue and profit that is reflected on the stateless
in Part I, the constituent entity information in Part II,
Schedule A revenue and profit lines. Since P1 is stateless, it
and the additional information in Part III must pertain to the
does not include its share of P2’s revenue and profit again on
constituent entities that are tax resident in that jurisdiction.
the stateless Schedule A revenue or profit lines. The total
In Part I, you will provide the aggregate amounts for all of
revenue and profit on the stateless Schedule A is $200.
the constituent entities listed in Part II.
US Corp has $100 of revenue and profit, not including any
Lines 1a through 1c. In line 1a, enter the aggregate
allocations from other constituent entities. Since US Corp
revenues of the constituent entities listed in Part II that are
has a tax jurisdiction of residence, it includes its share of P1’s
generated from transactions with those that are not
revenue and profit on the Schedule A for the United States.
constituent entities in your group. In line 1b, enter the
P1’s revenue and profit, of which US Corp is allocated 90%,
aggregate revenues of the constituent entities listed in Part II
includes any allocations from stateless entities that P1 owns,
that are generated from transactions with other constituent
even if such allocations were not included on the stateless
entities in your group. In line 1c, enter the total aggregate
Schedule A revenue or profit lines. P1’s revenue and profit
revenues of the constituent entities listed in Part II.
when determining US Corp’s allocable share is $180 (P1’s
own $100 of revenue and profit plus 80% of P2’s revenue
The term “revenue” includes all amounts of revenue,
and profit, or $80). US Corp is allocated 90% of $180, or
including revenue from sales of inventory and property,
$162, of revenue and profit due to its ownership of P1. The
services, royalties, interest, and premiums.
total revenue and profit on the United States Schedule A
Revenue does not include payments received from other
revenue and profit lines is US Corp’s own revenue and profit
constituent entities in your group that are treated as
of $100 plus its allocation of $162 of revenue and profit from
dividends in the payor's tax jurisdiction of residence.
P1, or $262.
Distributions and remittances from your constituent entities
that are partnerships, other fiscally transparent entities, or
Currency Translation
permanent establishments are not considered revenue of the
All currency amounts furnished must be in U.S. dollars. If an
exchange rate is used other than in accordance with U.S.
Revenue also does not include imputed earnings or
GAAP for translation to U.S. dollars, the exchange rate must
deemed dividends from other constituent entities in your
be indicated in Part III, Additional Information, on the
group that are taken into account solely for tax purposes and
Schedule A (Form 8975) relating to the amounts that are not
that otherwise would be included as revenue by a constituent
translated in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
Multiple Schedules A (Form 8975) for a Single
For a constituent entity that is an exempt organization,
revenue means only revenue that is reflected in unrelated
Tax Jurisdiction
business taxable income. See Regulations section
If you are filing on paper and the information you want to
enter for a single tax jurisdiction does not fit on a single
Schedule A (Form 8975), you can attach additional
Line 2. Enter the aggregate profit or loss before income tax
Schedules A (Form 8975). Complete the additional
of the constituent entities listed in Part II.
Schedules A (Form 8975) as follows.
Line 3. Enter the aggregate amount of income tax paid on a
cash basis to all tax jurisdictions by the constituent entities
Above Part I. Enter the reporting period beginning and
listed in Part II and any taxes withheld on payments received
ending dates, the name of the reporting entity, and the EIN.
by the constituent entities listed in Part II.
Instructions for Form 8975 (June 2017)