ITEM 11a.
Seek legal advice if naming a minor
ITEM 13b. Address and telephone number of PADD.
child as a beneficiary. If a member has a spouse but
APPLICABLE to civilians.
designates a person other than the spouse to receive all or a
portion of the death gratuity pay, the Service concerned is
ITEM 14. Continuations/Remarks. Use this item for remarks
required to provide notice of the designation to the spouse.
or continuation of other items, if necessary. Prefix entry with
NOT APPLICABLE to civilians.
the number of the item being continued; for example, 5/John
J./son/ 19851220/321 Pecan Drive, Schertz TX 78151. Also
Item 11b. Relationship. NOT APPLICABLE to civilians.
use this item to list name, address, and relationship of other
persons the member desires to be notified. Other
ITEM 11c. Enter beneficiary(ies) full mailing address and
dependents may also be listed. This block offers the
telephone number to include the ZIP Code. NOT
greatest amount of flexibility for the member to record other
APPLICABLE to civilians.
important information not otherwise requested but
considered extremely useful in the casualty notification and
ITEM 11d. Show the percentage to be paid to each person.
assistance process. Besides continuing information from
Enter 10%, 20%, 30%, up to 100% as appropriate. The sum
other blocks on this form, the member may desire to include
shares must equal 100 percent. If no percent is indicated and
additional information such as: NOK language barriers,
more than one person is named, the money is paid in equal
location or existence of a Will, additional private insurance
shares to the persons named. NOT APPLICABLE to
information, other family member contact numbers, etc. If
additional space is required, attach a supplemental sheet of
standard bond paper with the information.
ITEM 12a. Beneficiary(ies) for Unpaid Pay/Allowance
(Military only). Enter first name(s), middle initial, last
ITEM 15. Signature of Service Member/Civilian. Check and
name(s) and relationship of person to receive unpaid pay
verify all entries and sign all copies in ink as follows: First
and allowances at the time of death. The member may
name, middle initial, last name. Include rank, rate, or grade
indicate anyone to receive this payment. If the member
if applicable. May be electronically signed (see DoD
designated two or more beneficiaries, state the percentage
Instruction 1300.18 for guidelines).
to be paid each in item 10c. If the member does not wish to
designate a beneficiary, enter "By Law." The member is
ITEM 16. Signature of Witness. Have a witness
urged to designate a beneficiary for unpaid pay and
(disinterested person) sign all copies in ink as follows: First
allowances as payment will be made to the person in order
name, middle initial, last name. Include rank, rate, or grade
of precedence by law (10 USC 2771) in the absence of a
as appropriate. A witness signature is not required for
designation. Seek legal advice if naming a minor child as
electronic versions of the DD Form 93 (see DoD Instruction
beneficiary. NOT APPLICABLE to civilians.
ITEM 12b. Enter beneficiary(ies) full mailing address and
ITEM 17. Date the member or civilian signs the form. This
telephone number to include the ZIP Code. NOT
item is an ink entry and must be completed on all copies.
APPLICABLE to civilians.
ITEM 12c. If the member designated two or more
beneficiaries, state the percentage to be paid each in this
section. The sum shares must equal 100 percent. NOT
APPLICABLE to civilians.
ITEM 13a. Enter the name and relationship of the Person
Authorized to Direct Disposition (PADD) of your remains
should you become a casualty. Only the following persons
may be named as a PADD: surviving spouse, blood relative
of legal age, or adoptive relatives of the decedent. If neither
of these three can be found, a person standing in loco
parentis may be named. NOT APPLICABLE to civilians.