Kansas Limited Partnership
Certificate of Cancellation
To the Secretary of State for the state of Kansas:
_______________________________, a Kansas limited partnership, hereby cancels its certificate.
Name of Limited Partnership
1. The original filing date of the certificate of limited partnership: __________________________.
2. The reason for filing the cancellation: ______________________________________________
3. If this certificate is not effective upon filing, the future effective date of cancellation:
_________________________. (Must be a specific date.)
4. Any other information to be included in the certificate of cancellation has been attached.
Executed this __________ day of _________________, ___________ by all general partners.
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
General Partner
This document must be submitted in duplicate
along with a $20 filing fee, and mailed to:
Ron Thornburgh
Secretary of State
First Floor, Memorial Hall
120 S.W. 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
(785) 296-4564
12/99 kp