Sample Form 29
State of Alabama
Case Number
In the _______________
Court of _____________
A request for production having heretofore been made by the defendant and the State
having failed to comply therewith, upon consideration of said request, it is ORDERED that the
State shall:
1. Permit the defendant to analyze, inspect, and copy or photograph any written or
recorded statements made by the Defendant to any law enforcement officer, official, or employee
within the possession custody or control of the State, the existence of which is known to the
district attorney.
2. Permit the defendant to inspect and copy any written or recorded statements which the
State intends to offer in evidence at trial made by a co-defendant or accomplice to any law
enforcement officer, official or employee which are within the possession, custody, or control of
the State, the existence of which is known to the district attorney.
3. Disclose to the defendant the substance of any oral statement made by the defendant
before or after arrest to any law enforcement officer, official, or employee, which the State
intends to offer into evidence at trial.
4. Disclose to the defendant the substance of any oral statement made by a co-defendant
or accomplice before or after arrest to any law enforcement officer, official or employee, which
the State intends to offer into evidence at the trial.
5. Produce and to permit defendant to analyze, inspect and copy or photograph each of the
6. Permit the defendant to analyze, inspect and copy or photograph any results or reports
of the following:
7. Permit the defendant to inspect and copy the names and addresses of qualified mental
health professionals who have personally examined the defendant or any evidence in the case,
and the results of mental examinations, scientific tests, experiments or comparisons, including