Mary Kay Income and Expense Worksheet
___________Total Sales…All income from Classes, facials, reorders, dovetail, etc…use your sales slips
total including tax…We want to know how much money you actually received.
___________Other Income…1099-misc from Mary Kay…Commissions, promotions, prizes,
awards & car program
___________ Beginning Inventory…from last year Schedule C, use “ending inventory” on page
___________Ending Inventory…Count All Section 1 Merchandise (Wholesale) as of Dec 31
___________Expired Product…past expiration date, damaged, or no longer sellable
___________All Section 1 merchandise purchased from MK & from other consultants (Wholesale)
___________All Section 2 & 3 merchandise purchased from MK & other consultants
___________Supplies you purchased to resell as part of your product (cups, baskets, towels, etc..)
___________PERSONAL USE…wholesale value of product you used for yourself
___________Demonstration Product…wholesale value of product you used as samples & demos
___________Hostess Gifts…wholesale value of product (limited to $25 per client per year)
Direct Expenses:
___________Advertising…preferred customer program (direct support), booths, newspaper ads
___________Bad Debt/Refunds…money not collected & product not returned to MK
___________Commissions…paid to others, dovetail, office help, independent contractors