Novice program pracTice pLaN
1 of 2
pHase: 1
LessoN: 1
DuraTioN: 60
Session Objectives: 1. Practice Rules, Agility, Gliding on one skate, Front V Start, Edge Control
warm - up
10 miN
PrACtiCE rulEs
Coaches introduce themselves, as well as the practice rules and guidelines they want the players
to follow. Make sure the players know what signals will be used, what the whistle means, as well as
safety rules to be followed when on the ice.
Key execuTioN poiNTs
Demonstrate what signals will be used.
sKiLL sTaTioNs #1
20 miN
1. BAlANCE AND sKAtiNg (1.1.01/1.1.02/1.1.07/1.1.09/1.1.05)
Players start on boards. Demonstrate basic stance. Perform following activities to far boards and
back: fall down and get up, glide on one skate, gliding with knee bend, and gliding arm pump.
2. CHAOs
Players skate around neutral zone controlling the puck.
3. FigurE 8’s iNsiDE EDgE (1.2.01)
Review and demonstrate key points. Players ride inside edge in a figure 8 pattern. Start on right
skate and ride inside edge until the player has completed a full circle, then switch to left skate to
complete figure 8 formation. Emphasize proper knee bend and upper body control.
Key execuTioN poiNTs
Knees bent, shoulder width apart, stick on the ice.
Change directions.
Vary speeds, Forwards / Backwards.
sKiLL sTaTioN #2
20 miN
1. sHOOtOut
Have players line up in two lines at the blue line. One line has player standing with puck, the other
line has the player starting on one knee. On coach’s signal, the players take off towards the goal.
Player with puck tries to score, while player on one knee backchecks. If player takes puck away, then
that player is on offense.
2. stAtiONArY stiCKHANDliNg (2.1.02/2.1.03/2.1.04)
Review and correct basic stance. Line players up in stickhandling position with a puck in front of
them. Have players stickhandle Narrow, Wide, and Narrow-Wide Combination.
3. OPEN iCE CArrY (2.2.05/2.2.06/2.2.07)
Players start along boards, and skate to other side of the rink carrying the puck.
Key execuTioN poiNTs
Shift weight as pucks moves across body.
One-handed puck carrying on forehand and backhand.
fuN game
10 miN
sCrimmAgE – 3 ON 3 CrOss iCE
Divide players into 2 teams. Play 2 games of 3 on 3 cross ice – one in each end zone. Spare players
line up along blue lines and switch on coach’s signal.
Key execuTioN poiNTs
Use pucks, tennis balls, hockey balls etc…
Alternate 1 puck, 2 pucks, and 3 pucks.