Internship Resume Template Page 16


A Word
AbouT references
should you lisT your references
Make certain you tell each reference you intend
on your resume?
to include his or her name, address, and phone
number on your resume. One very effective alter-
Should you list your references on your resume?
native to listing your references directly on your
experts disagree, but I think you should list
resume is to have a separate “Reference Sheet.”
your references, either on your resume, or on a
In this way you can send out resumes that do not
separate Reference Sheet, if those references are
reveal names and addresses of your references and
recognizable by name or title. Let me give you an
then present the Reference Sheet at the interview.
Or you might decide that some prospective
I was working with a student once. We had
employers should receive references at the same
completed his resume, and I asked if he wanted to
time they receive your resume. Then you include
list references. “What kind?” he asked. “Well,” I
the Reference Sheet with the resume.
said, “do you have anybody who would recommend
you and who is recognizable by name or title? He
From Resumes for Reentry by C. Edward Good
then proceeded to name a United States Senator
and a United States Congressman whom he had
known all his life. Those names, addresses, and
telephone numbers went down on his resume.
Usually, three references are provided. Be sure your
If someone famous will recommend you, put the
name is on the separate Reference Sheet. Example
name on your resume. Is it “name dropping” to do
of the correct format for listing references:
so? You bet it is. And it works.
Alternatively, if someone with a spiffy title will
Thomas English, Ph.D.
recommend you, put the name, title, address,
Professor of Civil Engineering
and phone number on your resume. Spiffy titles
University of North Florida
include: Professor, Dean, President, Owner,
One UNF Drive
Manager, and so on.
Jacksonville, FL 32224
If you decide to list references, make sure you
(904) 620-1234
personally call them and ask their permission.
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