Application for Authority to do Business
pursuant to
31 MRSA §852.3
to accompany Application for Transfer of Authority
The name of the limited liability partnership*:
(Check box only if applicable)
This is a professional limited liability partnership** qualified pursuant to
13 MRSA Chapter 22-A
provide the following professional services:
If the real limited liability partnership name is not available, the fictitious name under which it proposes to apply for
authority to do business in the State of Maine is (If not applicable, so indicate.)
accompanies this application.
A fictitious name is a name adopted by a foreign limited liability partnership authorized to transact business in
this State because its real name is unavailable pursuant to
(For a professional limited liability partnership only)
All of the professional limited liability partnership’s partners are licensed in one or more states to render a professional
service disclosed in its application.
Date of organization ________________________ Jurisdiction of organization ______________________________
Address of the registered or principal office, wherever located, is:
(physical location - street (not P.O. Box), city, state and zip code)
(mailing address if different from above)
The foreign limited liability partnership validly exists as a limited liability partnership under the laws of the jurisdiction
of its organization. The nature of the business or purposes to be conducted or promoted in the State of Maine is
Form No. MLLP-12-1 (1 of 2)