State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Department of State - Business Services Division
Instructions for Filing
Application for Registration for a Foreign Limited Liability Company
Section 7-16-49
of the General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956, as amended
The attached form is designed to meet minimal statutory filing requirements pursuant to the relevant statutory provision. This form and the
information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and/or tax specialist.
This legal document should be typed. All illegible documents will be REJECTED.
How to complete the form:
9. This filing must include a
Certificate of Good Standing/
Letter of Status
from the state or country of formation
1. State the name of the limited liability company. It must
dated within 60 days of when you file this application.
match the name on your
Certificate of Good Standing/
10. Check “Date received” unless you prefer that the
Letter of Status
from the state or country of formation,
Registration goes into effect at a later date than when it
which must be attached to this form. Your entity name
is received in this office. Any later date must be within 30
must be distinguishable from any name on file in this
days of filing.
office. You may check
name availability
on our website;
11. An Authorized Person MUST sign and date the form.
however, this does not ensure the name will still be
available upon filing. If you are proposing a different
How to pay the filing fee:
name for transacting business in Rhode Island, you may
write it in the second available space. In addition, check
The filing fee is $150, payable either in person via cash,
yes or no to indicate if this is a low-profit limited liability
credit card, or check at the Business Services Division,
or by mail to the Business Services Division via check
2. List the state or country under whose laws the limited
payable to RI Department of State.
liability company was organized.
3. State the date the original Articles of Organization were
How to confirm your filing:
filed in the state or country of formation. Check the
appropriate box for the duration of the limited liability
Entity records are retrievable and viewable through our
company. Check “date certain for dissolution” only if there
website. Successful filings will NOT result in a mailed
is a designated dissolution date in the state of formation,
confirmation. Filings that cannot be processed will
otherwise, check “perpetual.”
be posted
and then returned. To confirm your
4. State the name of the resident agent. The resident agent
submission and obtain evidence of your filing:
is an individual or entity that will accept all legal service
Log on to the
Corporate Database
for this entity. The agent must be a Rhode Island resident
Enter the name or ID number of your entity and click
or entity qualified to do business in this state. A Rhode
Island street address is required, NOT a P.O. Box. In
Click on the link to your entity record, scroll down,
addition to all legal service of process, other important
select “All Filings” and then “View Filing”
correspondence from the state will be sent to this
Identify desired type of filing and click on “PDF” under
“Files” to view and print the record
5. In the event that the resident agent cannot be contacted,
Filing rejections can be viewed online, via our
the Department of State will accept legal service of
Rejected Filings Viewer
process for the limited liability company.
6. List the office address required to be maintained in the
state or country of formation.
7. List the mailing address for the limited liability company.
8. Indicate whether the limited liability company will be
managed by its members or by one or more managers.
If it will be managed by managers, list their names and
business addresses.
FORM 450 - Revised: 08/2016