Hold Harmless Affidavit


Impounded vehicles are routinely released to lien holders from the City of Dallas Police
Automobile Pound in accordance with Section 28-5 of the Dallas City Code. A review of the
provisions of this section by the City Attorney’s Office affirmed that the requirements for lien
holder repossession are necessary and appropriate for protecting the City’s liability for proper
release of these vehicles.
In order to repossess a vehicle from the Dallas Police Automobile Pound, the lien holder must:
Hold a valid and existing lien on the vehicle;
Present the original or a certified copy of certificate of title (no facsimile or copy
accepted) with the lien appearing on it; in the event sufficient time has not elapsed
(generally not to exceed ninety days) for the original title to have been received from the
state, the original lien holder’s copy of the Tax Collector’s Receipt may be accepted;
Present the original or a certified copy of the mortgage lien contract, specifying that,
upon default of the mortgagor, the mortgagee is entitled to possession of the vehicle;
Present the original notarized “Hold Harmless Affidavit”.
If the lien holder has appointed a wrecker company or individual to act as agent in
retrieving the vehicle, the agent must also present an original notarized “Authorization
to Release” to the Automobile Pound.
“Hold Harmless” and “Authorization to Release” blank forms are available at the Auto Pound or
on-line at
Lien holders may use their own letterhead or computer format as long as all of the following are
o The mortgage lien holder holds a lien on the vehicle impounded (vehicle
description including the year, make, model and complete and correct vehicle
identification number (VIN);
o The mortgagor has defaulted for nonpayment;
o The lien holder desires possession and is entitled to possession of the vehicle;
o The mortgage lien holder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless “the City of
Dallas, its police department, and its employees”, without exclusion, upon
delivery of the vehicle to the mortgage lien holder.


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