Lopez Island Pharmacy Informed Consent Form for Influenza Vaccination
NAME……………………………………………………………………………….. MALE….. FEMALE……..
ADDRESS……………………….……………………. …………………. PHONE……………………………
As the flu vaccine does not contain a live virus, it cannot give you the flu. Most people have no
unpleasant reaction to the vaccine.
Before agreeing to receive the flu vaccine, please:
• Take time to answer the following questions.
• Take time to read the Patient Information for the flu vaccination that is available and should be kept by you. In
particular, please read the sections headed: ‘Precautions and ‘Side-effects’.
• If you have any questions, talk to your doctor or the person administering your shot. The information you
provide is private and confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
• If you have any major medical conditions, please discuss and obtain advice from your treating doctor.
1 Have you been vaccinated against the flu in previous years?
2 Did you experience any significant problems after previous flu vaccinations?
3 Are you ill at the moment? Do you have a fever?
4 Are you allergic to eggs, chicken feathers or any egg products?
5 Are you allergic to any of the following: neomycin, polymyxin, gentamicin or
6 Do you suffer from any other allergic reaction? Please list.
7 Are you taking any medications? (Please circle) cortisone, steroid,
dilantin (phenytoin sodium), immunosuppressive medication, warfarin,
treatment for seizures/fits?
8 Have you ever suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome?
9 Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? If YES, please see your own doctor.
After your flu shot.
• The flu vaccine is generally well-tolerated.
• Like all medicines, vaccines may have side-effects. Some redness, tenderness, discomfort or swelling is
common at the injection site, but this usually settles within a few days. (For more information please refer to the
VIS for influenza vaccine.)
• Some people have a slight fever, muscle pains and generally feel a bit unwell for a few days after vaccination.
These 'flu-like symptoms' do not mean they have the flu.
• Guillain-Barre Syndrome is rarely associated with influenza vaccination (1 in 2 million), although a direct
relationship has not been established.
I have read and understand this information and the Vaccine Information Sheet(VIS) for
influenza vaccine. I understand that I am responsible for any costs incurred that are not
covered by a third-party payer. I consent to receiving a flu vaccine injection.
FLU VACCINE GIVEN BY………………………LOT………………………EXPIRATION…….................
File:\Microsoft Office\MSWord Data\ Patient Informed Consent Form for Influenza(WEB)) MASTER rev:09/15/15