Example Site Plan Review Checklists - Virginia Department Of Environmental Quality Page 3


EXAMPLE Site Plan Review Checklists
______ Location and boundaries of natural feature protection and conservation areas, such as
wetlands, lakes, ponds, aquifers, public drinking water supplies, and applicable
setbacks, etc.)
______ Identification of any on-site or adjacent water bodies included on the Virginia 303(d) list
of impaired waters
______ Current and proposed land use and location of existing and proposed roads, buildings,
parking lots and other impervious areas
______ Location and description of any planned demolition of existing structures, roads, etc.
______ Location of existing and proposed utilities [e.g., water (including wells), sewer (including
septic systems), gas, electric, telecommunications, cable TV, etc.] and drainage and
other easements
______ Preliminary estimates of unified stormwater sizing criteria requirements
______ Preliminary identification and calculation of stormwater site design credits, if any apply
______ Preliminary selection and location of stormwater control measures
______ Location of existing and proposed conveyance systems, such as storm drains, inlets,
catch basins, channels, swales, and areas of overland flow
______ Flow paths
_____ Location of floodplain/floodway limits and relationship of site to upstream and
downstream properties and drainages
______ Preliminary location of all contributing drainage areas and points of stormwater
discharge, receiving surface waters or karst features into which stormwater discharges,
the pre-development and post-development conditions for drainage areas, and the
potential impacts of site stormwater on adjoining parcels
______ Note all critical areas on the plan, such as critical slopes.
5. Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, including the following:
_____ A hydrologic analysis for the existing (pre-development) conditions, including runoff
rates, volumes, and velocities, showing the methodologies used and supporting
______ A hydrologic analysis for the proposed (post-development) conditions, including runoff
rates, volumes, and velocities, showing the methodologies used and supporting
______ Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the stormwater management system for all
applicable design storms
______ Preliminary sizing calculations for stormwater control measures, including contributing
drainage areas, storage, and outlet configurations
______ Preliminary analysis of the potential downstream impacts/effects of the project, where
6. _______ Preliminary erosion and sediment control plan that, at a minimum, meets the
requirements outlined in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations and
7. _______ Preliminary landscaping plans for stormwater control measures and any site
reforestation or revegetation
8. ______ Preliminary identification of waiver/exception requests


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