Accepting a Job Offer
Sample Letter of Acceptance
(via email)
Once you have decided to accept a
job offer, immediately confirm your
acceptance in writing. Refer to the
Dear Ms. Smith:
salary offer made and outline the
terms of your employment. Confirm
I am very excited to accept your offer to join XYZ Nonprofit
the date you will be reporting to
as a Program Coordinator. As we discussed over the phone,
work, and ask any other questions
my starting date will be July 15, 2016. I understand that I
you may have.
will be based in New York City with the possibility of
relocation in the future. I also understand my starting salary
Close the letter with an expression of
will be $47,500. If there is any additional information you
your appreciation and pleasure at
need, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to
joining the organization.
provide it.
I am looking forward to working with XYZ Nonprofit and
am eagerly awaiting my start date.
James Jones