Justice Administrative Commission
Mail or Fax Completed Form To:
JAC QTB Plan Administrator
Qualified Transportation Benefit Program
PO Box 1654
Tallahassee, FL 32302
Qualified Parking Receipt Form
Toll Free Fax: 866-355-7906
Employee Name
To Be Completed by Parking Vendor
Vendor Name
Vendor Address
Tax ID (or FL Vendor #)
Garage/Lot Name
Payment Coverage Dates
Vendor Certification
To the best of my knowledge, my statements in this Parking Receipt Form are complete and
true. I certify that the amount listed above was paid by the above named employee for his/her
own parking expense.
Vendor Signature __________________________________
Date ______________
Employee Certification
To the best of my knowledge and belief, my statements in this Parking Receipt Form are
complete and true. I certify that I have incurred the expenses described above on the dates
indicated, that the expenses qualify as valid expenses under the Plan, and that I have not
been reimbursed previously under any other benefit plan, nor do I expect any of these
expenses to be reimbursable elsewhere.
Employee Signature _______________________________
Date ____________
**This form must be submitted with the accompanying Employee Reimbursement for Parking
Form to be considered for reimbursement**