Secondary: First Five Days Template
Day 1
Meet at the door, Greet, and Seat
Meet students at door. Have a seating chart projected. While taking attendance, have a first
day activity on desks that students can complete quietly and individually. Project the list or
write it on your white board depending on the technology available in your classroom.
3 x 5 Card Activity: On the first day of school, hand out 3 x 5 cards and ask students to give you
the following information:
1. Name, including nickname they prefer
2. Phone number
3. Name and phone number of the parent/guardian they prefer you call if you phone home
4. Previous school attended, or name of last year’s teacher in your subject, or favorite
5. Books read or movies seen over the summer
6. Trips or exciting activities done over summer
7. What they do after school (work, soccer, ballet, play video games…)
8. Two things they are good at or are proud of
9. Hopes for this class
10. Anything else they want you to know (I hate to read aloud, I can’t see the board, I don’t
speak English well, I love poetry) from the information on this card, make a “Find Someone
Who …” sheet so that as many students as possible are referenced.
Variation for 5x7 Card Activity: Ask them to write what they expect/want from your class. Have
them respond to a current events story related to your discipline.
IDEA TO CONSIDER: Ask students to write about their summer vacation, including three key
things, only two of which are true. Later, the process of others guessing which is the lie can
become a get-to-know you activity contest.
Getting Attention/Quiet Signal Practice by having kids talk to people near
Teach Procedure:
them about their summer, then use signal to bring them back. You may want to use turning off
the lights or raising your hand as a signal.
Introduce yourself, perhaps with a letter of introduction. Give an overview of
the class. Show things that might inspire excitement about the coming year, like a video
overview. You might also want to make a video of yourself and your summer, including you
working to prepare your classroom!
Movement Activity
NEA Teacher Quality
Early Career Educators