Select the type of plate you are requesting from the list below, then write it in the appropriate box on page 3 of the application form.
You must provide the appropriate proof(s) when you mail your application to the address shown on the application form. Required proof(s)
and fees are in parentheses after each plate.
All plates below must be registered in the name of the qualifying member. Plates marked below with an asterisk (*) cannot have a co-registrant.
If you need the Symbol of Access on your new plates and you do not have it on your current plates, you must also submit a completed form
MV-664.1or letter from a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Doctor of Podiatric Medicine verifying
a permanent disability that affects mobility.
Air Force Reserve (Letter from CO certifying Reserve status — Standard Fee: $38.75; cannot be personalized; not for use with a
commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Air National Guard (Letter from CO certifying eligibility — Standard Fee: $38.75; cannot be personalized; not for use with a
commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Airborne (Copy of current Airborne Association Membership Card or DD-214 or Current ID Card from Army Airborne —
Standard Fee: $38.75/Personalized Fee: $70.00; Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $0/Personalized Plates - $31.25)
American Legion (Copy of current membership card — Standard Fee: $38.75/Personalized Fee: $70.00; Annual Custom Plate
Fee: Standard Plates - $0/Personalized Plates - $31.25)
Army National Guard (Letter from CO certifying eligibility — Standard Fee: $38.75; cannot be personalized; not for use with a
commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Army Reserve (Letter from CO certifying Reserve status — Standard Fee: $38.75; cannot be personalized; not for use with a
commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Catholic War Veterans of America (Copy of current membership card from CWV or their Auxiliary — Standard Fee:
$38.75/Personalized Fee: $70; Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $0/Personalized Plates - $31.25)
Coast Guard Auxiliary (Copy of current Auxiliary Card - both sides — Standard Fee: $47.50/Personalized Fee:$78.75;
Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $18.75/Personalized Plates - $50.00)
Coast Guard Reserve (Letter from CO certifying Reserve status or copy of active Coast Guard Reserve ID— Standard Fee:
$38.75; cannot be personalized; not for use with a commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Combat Infantrymen (Copy of DD-214 certifying receipt of award — Standard Fee: $38.75/Personalized Fee: $70.00;
Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $0/Personalized Plates - $31.25)
Congressional Medal of Honor (Proof of Award — No fees; cannot be personalized; not for use with a commercial registration)
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) (Contact organization for approval — Standard Fee: $38.75/Personalized Fee: $70.00;
Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $0/Personalized Plates - $31.25; Motorcycle Plate Standard Fee: $26.25/Personalized
Plate Fee - $45.00/Motorcycle Annual Custom Plate Fee - $18.75)
Disabled Veteran (This plate displays the Symbol of Access. Copy of DD-214 proving war-time veteran; Standard Fee: $28.75;
cannot be personalized; not for use with a commercial registration; No Annual Custom Plate Fee)
Eighth Air Force (Copy of current membership card — Standard Fee: $43.75/Personalized Fee: $75.00; not for use with a
commercial registration; Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $15.00/Personalized Plates - $46.25)
Former Prisoner of War (Proof of POW status: Copy of DD-214 or letter from VA — No fees; cannot be personalized; not for use
with a commercial registration)
* Forty and Eight (40 & 8) (Copy of current membership card — Standard Fee: $60.00/Personalized Fee: $91.25;
Annual Custom Plate Fee: Standard Plates - $31.25/Personalized Plates - $62.50)
MV-412 (10/17)