Enter in Item 8.
You MUST use this work sheet to compute the sales and use tax
Column B, the state tax of 3 / % computed on the
liability of your place of business shown on the Out-of-State Dealer’s Retail
amount in Item 7. Column B. Enter in Item B, Column C, the local tax of 1%
Sales and Use Tax Return, Form ST-8. Form ST-8 is used to report and pay
computed on the amount in Item 7, Column C.
the tax to the Department of Taxation. Form ST-6B, Schedule of Local Use
Dealer’s discount rate
is based on total monthly taxable sales from
Taxes, is used to allocate the 1% local use tax. A return and schedule must be
all locations. You cannot take the dealer’s discount unless you file the return
filed for each reporting period even if no tax is due. If you do not receive a
and pay the tax by the due date. No dealer’s discount is allowed on local tax.
return, contact the Office of Customer Services at the address shown at the
bottom of this work sheet before the due date to avoid late filing penalties.
Figure your dealer’s discount as follows:
A. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP: If there has been a change of ownership, do
If you file only one return (including a consolidated return), find your taxable
not use the return with the name and account number of the former owner.
sales in Item 7, Column B. Use this number to figure your discount rate from
Send the return with a notice of change to the VA Department of Taxation,
the table in Item 9a, Column A.
P.O. Box 1103, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1103. A Combined Registration
Application, Form R-1, should also be requested to register the new dealer
If you file more than one return, add the total monthly taxable sales from all
and location.
locations. Use this number to figure your discount rate from the table in Item
9a, Column A.
B. CHANGE OF ADDRESS/OUT-OF-BUSINESS: If you change your business
or mailing address or discontinue business, complete Form R-3, Registration
If you file quarterly, add the total quarterly taxable sales from all locations.
Change Request in your booklet and mail it to the department. If you do not
Divide by three to find average monthly taxable sales. Use this number to figure
have this form, please notify the department by letter and send it to the Virginia
your discount rate from the table in Item 9a, Column A.
Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1114, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1114.
Enter your dealer’s discount rate in Column B, Item 9a.
C. PREPARATION OF WORK SHEET (FORM ST-8A): Items not specifically
Enter in Item 9b,
mentioned below are self-explanatory on the work sheet.
Column B, the dealer’s discount by multiplying the
amount of state tax in Item 8, Column B, by the applicable discount rate
Enter in Item 1
the total gross dollar amount of items of tangible
determined by Item 9a.
personal properly and/or taxable services sold or leased during the period,
Enter in Item 11,
whether for cash or on credit, including any services that were a part of a sale,
Column B and Column C, penalty if you file the
but excluding the cost price of tangible personal property defined in Item 2.
return and/or pay the tax after the due date. The penalty is 6% of the tax shown
in Item 8 for each month or fraction of a month, not to exceed 30%. However,
Enter in Item 2
the cost price of all items of tangible personal property
in no case will the penalty be less than $7.50 in Column B and $2.50 in Column
purchased without payment of the tax and withdrawn from inventory for use or
C, even if no tax is due.
consumption in Virginia. Also include the cost price of all items of tangible
Enter in Item 12
personal properly purchased for use or consumption in Virginia and
interest if you file the return and/or pay the tax after
on which no Virginia sales or use tax was paid at the time of purchase.
the due date. Interest is computed on the tax due in Item 8 at the rate established
(23 VAC 10-210-6030, Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulations.)
in Section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended plus 2%.
Enter in Item 4
the total amount of all exempt sales made during the
period covered by the return. Effective January 1, 1996, one-half the charge
Enter your name, address, account number, and the filing period in
made for maintenance contracts that provide for
parts and labor is exempt.
the block in the upper right hand corner. In the column headed “Tax” and on the
Enter this one-half (50%) exempt portion in Columns B and C.
same line with the appropriate county or city, enter the local tax applicable to
shipments made into that locality during the period. Any tax that you are unable
Enter in Item 6a
any part of the sales price of items of tangible personal
to accurately assign should be entered on the “Unassigned” line. The total
property sold during the period and returned by a customer during the same
local use tax reported on this form must agree with the entry in Item 8, Column
period, (and on which you have not paid the tax to the state) resulting in a
C, on Forms ST-8A and ST-8.
refund to the purchaser or a credit to his or her account, if such sales are
included in Item 1 and not deducted in Item 4. (23 VAC 10-210-3080, Virginia
Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulations.)
(FORM ST-8).
Enter in Item 6b
any part of the sales price of items of tangible personal
1. Transfer the items indicated by the arrows on the front of this work
property returned by a purchaser after you have paid the state tax and the local
sheet to the corresponding item numbers on Form ST-8.
tax on such items, resulting in a refund to the purchaser or a credit to his
2. Make a check or money order for the amount in Item 14 payable to the
account during the period; also include in this item the unpaid sales price of
VA Department of Taxation. (Checks returned by the bank will be subject to a
items of tangible personal property sold under a retained title, conditional sale
penalty of $25.00 in addition to other penalties.)
or similar contract that were repossessed by you during the period and on
which you have paid state tax and local tax. (23 VAC 10-210-3060, Virginia
3. Mail Form ST-8, Form ST-6B, and your payment to the VA Department
Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulations.)
of Taxation, P.O. Box 1103, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1103 as soon as
possible after the close of the reporting period but not later than the twentieth
Enter in Item 6c
that part of the sales price of tangible personal property
day of the following month.
that was charged off during the period as a bad debt on which you have paid
the state tax and local tax. (23 VAC 10-210-150, Virginia Retail Sales and Use
4. Retain this work sheet as a part of your tax records; do not file it with
Tax Regulations.)
Form ST-8.
Enter in Item 6d
any other deduction allowed by law. For example, if
If you have any questions about these instructions, please call (804) 367-8037
for a prior period you paid the state tax and the local tax on a $100 sale, and
or write the Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, Richmond,
during the period covered by the current return the purchaser claimed a 2%
Virginia 23218-1115. If you have a computer and access to the World
10-day cash discount (2% of $100.00
$2.00), you may recover the tax paid
Wide Web, you can obtain most Virginia tax forms by connecting to
the state for a prior period on the $2.00 cash discount so taken by the customer
by entering in Column B and Column C the amount of $2.00. IMPORTANT:
Item 6e, total deductions must be less than or equal to Item 5; carry any
excess forward.