Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
Unemployment Insurance Division
Telephone (405) 557-7138 FAX (405) 557-7271
Web site: http:
Instructions for OES-1 Status Report
Enter the name by which the business is known. Examples: “A & B Hardware”, “Whiteway Theater”.
Enter your Federal Identification Number.
Mailing Address: Enter address to which reports, notices and correspondence should be mailed by this Commission. Physical
Address: Enter actual location of your business.
Check box after the word that properly describes type of ownership of your business.
Enter full corporate name (as it appears on your corporate seal).
Enter the first date corporate officers were paid for services rendered to the corporation. If 100% stockholder desires voluntary
election coverage, please refer to item 15.
Enter name and telephone number of person or company that prepares your payroll records or has knowledge of such records.
Enter the earliest date on which services were performed and wages paid to employee(s) in Oklahoma.
If “YES”, please indicate if you acquired all or part of the operation, date of acquisition and if business was in operation at time of
sale. Please indicate former owner’s name, address and account number with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.
Enter full name, residence address, telephone number and Social Security Number of all owners, partners and corporate officers.
Attach additional sheet if sufficient space is not provided.
10) Employers
A) General Employers – Explanation given on front page.
B) Agricultural Employers - Explanation given on front page.
C) Domestic Employers - Explanation given on front page.
D) Nonprofit Employers – General explanation given of front page.
Explanation of the two methods nonprofit employers may choose from:
Tax Rate – You may elect to receive an assigned rate for the first (2) two years on the taxable wages paid to each individual
employee during the calendar year. After the end of the second year, the Rated Employer will be eligible for a computed rate
based on the experience history of his account during the prior (3) years, or
Reimbursement – You may elect to reimburse the State Unemployment Fund for the actual cost of benefits paid to your
employees including 100% of any extended benefits.
E) Governmental Organizations - Explanation of the two methods you may choose from:
You may elect to pay contributions due at a tax rate of 1.0% on the taxable wages paid to each individual employee during a
calendar year, or
You may elect to reimburse the State Unemployment Fund for the actual cost of benefits paid to your employees including 100%
of any extended benefits.
11) If you have workers who you consider to be self-employed or independent contractors, please review the following to be sure you are
in compliance with the law. Also, attach a listing of all self-employed or independent contractors who do not have a Federal ID # and
provide a service for you.
Section 1-210 (14)(a), (b) & (c) of the Oklahoma Employment Security Act indicates services performed by an individual for wages
or under any contract of hire shall be deemed to be employment subject to the Employment Security Act of 1980 unless and until it is
shown to the satisfaction of the Commission that:
(a) such individual has been and will continue to be free of control or direction over the performance of such services, both under the
contract of hire and in fact: and
(b) such individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business: or
(c) such service is outside the usual course of the business for which such service is performed and that such service is performed
outside of all the places of business of the enterprises for which such service is performed.
12) If “YES”, enter the year you first became liable.
13) Show Trade Name formerly used and account number given to it by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.
14) State what kind of business you operate in Oklahoma and the principal product manufactured or traded.
15) If you are not liable to pay State Unemployment Tax, but you wish to do so, check “YES” and indicate date coverage should begin in
part (a) or (b). Please note that Voluntary Election covers a mandatory two-year period.
16) Must be signed by owner, all partners, corporate officer or authorized official.
Mail completed and signed form to: Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
Attn: Status Department
PO Box 52003
Oklahoma City OK 73152-2003