History Of Computers Challenge Worksheet


History of Computers Challenge
Directions: Read each sentence. Then circle the letter next to the answer that
completes the sentence.
1. The _______, an early calculating machine, is considered a forerunner of the
a. abacus
b. amphora
c. caduceus
2. The fundamentals of computer programming were developed by _________ .
a. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace in the 1830s
b. Howard Aiken in the 1940s
c. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in the 1970s
3. ENIAC, built in 1946, required ________ square feet of floor space.
a. 18
b. 180
c. 1,800
4. Rear Admiral Grace Hopper is credited with inventing _________ .
a. the computer mouse
b. the compiler
c. machine code
5. Packet switching, the technology behind the Internet, was developed in 1962 by
Leonard Kleinrock, a _____________ .
a. lieutenant in the U.S. Army
b. Bell Labs engineer
c. graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6. In 1952, CBS used UNIVAC to predict the outcome of _________ .
a. the World Series
b. the Super Bowl
c. the presidential election
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