Model Intake Form For Noncitizen Criminal Defendants


Model Intake Form for Noncitizen Criminal Defendants
Purpose of document:
This model intake form for noncitizen clients requests the information necessary to conduct a
comprehensive analysis of the potential immigration consequences that may result from a criminal case. Completing the questions on
this form is only the first step; an attorney must still conduct a complete immigration analysis.
General background
Date of birth:______________________________
Place of birth: _____________________________
Country of citizenship: _____________________
Marital status: _____________________________
Children? Y/N Age and immigration status of children:________________________________________________
Is either parent a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR)?:______________________________________
Immigration background
Date of first lawful entry into the U.S.:_____; status at
What is current immigration status?
time of entry:______.
 Undocumented (date of entry:______)
 LPR (green card holder) (date obtained:______)
Date of subsequent lawful entries into the
 Visa holder (type:_________) (exp. date:______)
U.S.:_________; Status at time of entry:______.
 Refugee/asylee
 Temporary protected status (country: _______)
Length of residence in the U.S.?______________; any
 Executive action (e.g. DACA)
 Previously ordered deported
COMPLETE Criminal History
First offense:
For each offense, list:
 Statute(s) of conviction
 Date of commission
Second offense:
 Date of conviction
 Type of disposition (plea, deferred disposition,
trial, etc.)
 Sentence given (including any suspended time,
Third offense
time served, probation and parole)
 Time actually served in custody
Key immigration considerations (this is not an exhaustive list):
 Is a deferred disposition possible with not guilty plea and no admissions/stipulations? If so, disposition may not be conviction
for immigration purposes.
 Will case be resolved through juvenile delinquency? If so, unlikely to cause defendant to be removable.
 Does the defendant have TPS? If so, any felony or two misd. (excl. Va. Class 3 and 4 misd.) make defendant ineligible.
 Does case involve controlled substances? If so, severe immigration consequences, regardless of felony or misdemeanor
(possible exception for some marijuana cases).
 Does case involve theft, burglary, bribery, forgery, crimes of violence, obstruction of justice or perjury + sentence of 1
year or more? If so, significant risk of conviction resulting “aggravated felony.”
 Does case involve fraud and alleged loss to the victim > $10,000? If so, significant risk of conviction resulting “aggravated
 Is this an offense involving lying, stealing, fraud or recklessly/intentionally causing bodily harm? If so, significant risk of
conviction resulting in “crime involving moral turpitude,” which may lead to deportation depending on other factors.


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