State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department
Int. 06/07/2012
HOW TO USE THIS FORM. When claiming a veteran employment tax credit, this form must accompany the tax return to
which the taxpayer wishes to apply the credit.
All claimants must complete Part I to compute the amount of credit available and to report the amount of credit claimed.
Complete Part II, if you have been approved for veteran employment tax credits in a prior year and you have excess credit
available to carry forward to the current tax year. Leave Part II blank if you do not have any carry forward available. NOTE:
Excess credit may not be refunded to the taxpayer, but may be carried forward for up to three years. Please see the instruc-
tions to determine the correct amount that can be applied to any return.
Attach this form to the tax return to which you wish to apply the credit and mail to the address on the tax return. For assis-
tance claiming this credit call (505) 827-6811.
Enter the FEIN or the SSN of the claimant
Name of claimant
Check one:
Part I - Computation of the Amount of Tax Credit Claimed
Enter the veteran employment tax credit approved for wages paid to the veteran in the
year to which the credit is to be applied.
Enter total credit available for carry forward, if any, from applications for the credit that
is approved for wages paid in a prior year (from Part II).
Enter the sum of lines 1 and 2. This is the available veteran employment tax credit that
may be claimed against the attached New Mexico income tax return.
Enter the portion of available credit you wish to apply to the current NM personal or
corporate income tax liability. This amount may not exceed the tax due on the return.
Enter the credit claimed on the applicable line of the New Mexico income tax Schedule PIT-CR, CIT-CR, S-Corp-CR or FID-
CR, and attach it to the New Mexico income tax return to which the credit is to be applied. The veteran employment tax credit
may be deducted only from the claimant’s New Mexico personal or corporate income tax liability. NOTE: Failure to attach
this form to your New Mexico personal or corporate income tax return will result in denial of the credit.
Part II - Compute the credit available for carry forward from prior years
(d) Excess credit available
(b) Amount of credit
(c) Credit claimed against
(a) Tax year of previous
for carry forward [(b) - (c)]
prior year tax liabilities
year’s credit
(A) TOTAL credit available from applications approved for prior
Enter the sum of column (d).
I certify that I have examined this return including accompanying returns and statements, and to the best of my knowledge
and belief, they are true, correct and complete.
Signature of Taxpayer or Agent