State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 12/12/2011
Purpose of this Form. To apply the approved agricultural biomass tax credit to personal or corporate income tax due, sub-
mit Form RPD-41361, Agricultural Biomass Tax Credit Claim Form, with Form PIT-1, CIT-1, S-Corp or FID for the tax year
to which you wish to apply the credit. Excess agricultural biomass tax credit may be carried forward for a maximum of four
consecutive taxable years following the year the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) approved the credit.
Attach this form to the return and mail to the address on the New Mexico income tax return. For assistance completing this
form, obtaining TRD approval or claiming the credit, call (505) 476-3683. You may also see the instructions for this tax credit,
Form RPD-41362, for more information.
Name of owner of qualified facility
Social security number or federal employer
identification number
Schedule A - Worksheet to compute the total excess credit available for carry forward
(d) Excess credit available
(b) Amount of credit
(c) Total credit applied to
(a) Credit number
for carry forward [(b) - (c)]
previous tax liabilities
Enter the sum of column (d). If supple-
TOTAL excess credit available.
mental pages are attached, enter the sum of column (d) from all pages.
Enter agricultural biomass income tax credits approved for the tax year of the attached
Enter total unused agricultural biomass income tax credits available for carry forward
from schedule A.
Enter the sum of lines 1 and 2. This is the available agricultural biomass income tax
credit that may be claimed against the attached New Mexico income tax return.
Enter the portion of available credit claimed on your current New Mexico personal or
corporate income tax return.
The credit applied to the attached return cannot exceed the amount of personal or corporate income tax liability otherwise
due. You must first apply credit approved to be claimed for a tax year (Line 1), then you may apply excess credit available
for carry forward from Line 2. When applying excess credit approved on prior year returns, apply the credit with the oldest
approval date first.
Enter the credit claimed on the applicable line of the New Mexico income tax Form PIT-1, CIT-1, S-Corp or FID. The agricultural
biomass income tax credit may be deducted only from the claimant’s New Mexico personal or corporate income tax liability.
NOTE: Failure to attach this form to your New Mexico personal or
corporate income tax return will result in denial of the credit.