Form It-2658-E - Certificate Of Exemption From Partnership Or New York S Corporation Estimated Tax Paid On Behalf Of Nonresident Individual Partners And Shareholders

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New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Certificate of Exemption from Partnership or
New York S Corporation Estimated Tax Paid on Behalf
of Nonresident Individual Partners and Shareholders
Do not send this certificate to the Tax Department
(see instructions below).
Use this certificate for tax years 2014 and 2015; it will expire on February 1, 2016.
First name and middle initial
Last name
Social security number
Mailing address
Telephone number
( number and street or rural route )
City, village, or post office
ZIP code
I certify that I will comply with the New York State personal income tax estimated tax provisions and tax return filing
requirements, to the extent that they apply to me, for tax years 2014 and 2015
( see instructions )
Signature of nonresident individual partner or shareholder
If, after considering all your individual circumstances, you
General information
determine you are not required to pay estimated tax or file a
Tax Law section 658(c)(4) requires the following entities
New York nonresident income tax return, you are considered
that have income derived from New York sources to make
in compliance with the New York requirements and may file
estimated personal income tax payments on behalf of
Form IT-2658-E.
partners or shareholders who are nonresident individuals:
Estimated tax and filing requirements for New York
• New York S corporations;
nonresident individuals
• partnerships (other than publicly traded partnerships as
defined in Internal Revenue Code section 7704); and
Please see Form IT-203-I, Instructions for Form IT-203,
Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return, for
• limited liability companies (LLCs) or limited liability
nonresident individual filing and estimated tax requirements.
partnerships (LLPs) that are treated as partnerships for
federal income tax purposes.
You may be subject to penalties if you file this form and
fail to comply with the New York estimated tax and filing
Individual partners and shareholders
requirements in your individual capacity.
Individual partners or shareholders are automatically
How and when to claim exemption from estimated tax
exempt from these estimated tax provisions if they meet
one of the following exceptions:
File this certificate (Form IT-2658-E) with your partnership
• Estimated tax payments are not required for any partner or
or New York S corporation as soon as you determine
shareholder whose estimated tax required to be paid for
that you qualify. Do not send this certificate to the Tax
the tax year by the partnership or New York S corporation
is $300 or less.
This certificate expires on February 1, 2016. If you qualify to
• Estimated tax payments are not required for any partner or
be exempt from any partnership or New York S corporation
shareholder if the entity is authorized to file a group return,
estimated tax provisions after that date, you must file a new
and the partner or shareholder has elected to be included
Certificate of Exemption with your partnership or New York
on the group return.
S corporation.
If you do not meet either of the above exceptions, you may
Revocation of exemption by partner or shareholder
still claim exemption from this estimated tax provision by
You must notify your partnership or New York S corporation
filing Form IT-2658-E.
within 10 days from the date you no longer expect to meet
You qualify to claim exemption and file Form IT-2658-E by
the conditions stated on Form IT-2658-E.
certifying that you will comply in your individual capacity
Instructions for partnerships and New York S
with all the New York State personal income tax estimated
tax and income tax return filing requirements, to the
Keep this certificate with your records. Do not submit this
extent that they apply to you, for the years covered by this
certificate to the Tax Department.


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