Australian Government Claim For Workers' Compensation


Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992
Information about claiming workers’
information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. The
Seacare Authority collects information from the employer
about workers’ compensation claims made under the
Seafarers Act in order to maintain a database of Seacare
In this document, all references to ‘the employer’ mean the
scheme workers’ compensation statistics. In addition, in
employer against whom this claim is made.
some cases the Seacare Authority manages claims against
Please complete this form if you want to claim workers’
the Seafarers Safety Net Fund. For these purposes, and for
compensation under the Seafarers Rehabilitation and
other purposes related to the Seacare Authority’s functions
Compensation Act 1992 (Seafarers Act). This form is
under the Seafarers Act, the Seacare Authority may use or
approved by the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and
disclose your personal information to bodies and agencies
including (but not limited to):
Compensation Authority (Seacare Authority) in accordance
with subsection 63(2) of the Seafarers Act.
• the employer
• the employer’s insurer
The Seacare Authority produces guidance material to
assist employees and employers understand their rights
• an approved rehabilitation program provider
and obligations regarding workers’ compensation and
• government agencies including Centrelink, the
rehabilitation. Copies of these information brochures
Australian Taxation Office, the Department of
and booklets are available from the employer or from the
Employment, Comcare and Safe Work Australia
Seacare Authority website at
• any external third party that the Seacare Authority
If you wish to claim for permanent impairment and non-
contacts to carry out statutory functions
economic loss or compensation for dependants of
• courts and tribunals
deceased employees, separate forms are available from
• any other person where there is an obligation under
the employer, or from the Seacare Authority.
law to do so.
Note: If you intend to make a claim for compensation
We want to ensure that your personal information that is
against more than one employer in relation to the same
collected, used, stored or disclosed is accurate, up-to-
injury or illness, you must provide a notice to each
date and complete. The Seacare Authority’s Privacy Policy
employer stating the name and address of each employer.
contains information on how you can request access to
If you consider that another employer or employers
personal information held about you and how to seek
materially contributed to the injury or illness, you must
correction of that information.
provide the employer against whom this claim is being
You may make a complaint if you consider that the Seacare
made with a notice stating the name and address of the
Authority has interfered with your privacy or otherwise
other employer or employers.
breached its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. Our
Privacy Policy contains more information about how to
Privacy information
make a complaint and how we will respond.
The Seacare Authority is not likely to disclose personal
Personal information on this form is collected under
information to a person who is not in Australia or an
sections 63, 105 and 106 of the Seafarers Rehabilitation
external Territory, unless the information relates to
and Compensation Act 1992 to help the employer
an incident, investigation, injury or illness sustained
determine your eligibility for workers’ compensation and
while overseas, or treatment provided by an overseas
to allow the Seacare Authority to perform its functions
practitioner. If disclosure of personal information is made
under the Seafarers Act. If you do not provide the personal
to an overseas recipient, the Seacare Authority will comply
information requested in this form, it may not be possible to
with APP 8.
assess or manage your claim for compensation.
The Seacare Authority’s Privacy Policy is available
This form is used to collect information on behalf of the
at and is administered
Seacare Authority, your employer and the insurance
on the Seacare Authority’s behalf by Comcare. For
company. Your employer and the insurance company are
further information about our information handling
subject to their own obligations under Privacy legislation.
practices, for a copy of our Privacy Policy, to request an
Please contact your employer or the insurance company
amendment of your personal information or to make a
if you require further information on how they will manager
privacy complaint, please telephone 1300 366 979 or
your personal information under their privacy policies.
Your privacy is important to us. The Seacare Authority
will only collect, use, store or disclose your personal
SEA01.1 May 2012


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