R. 08/13
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Instructions for Completing Form DR-312
File this form with the appropriate clerk of the court. Do not mail to the Florida Department of Revenue.
General Information
Federal thresholds for filing federal Form 706 only:
(For informational purposes only. Please confirm with
If Florida estate tax is not due and a federal estate tax
Form 706 instructions.)
return (federal Form 706 or 706-NA) is not required to
be filed, the personal representatives of such estates
Date of Death
Dollar Threshold
should complete Florida Form DR-312, Affidavit of
for Filing Form 706
No Florida Estate Tax Due. Note that the definition
(value of gross estate)
of “personal representative” in Chapter 198, F.S.,
includes any person who is in actual or constructive
2000 and 2001
possession. Therefore, this affidavit may be used by
2002 and 2003
“persons in possession” of any property included in
2004 and 2005
the decedent’s gross estate.
For 2006 and forward
Form DR-312 is admissible as evidence of nonliability
go to the IRS website at
for Florida estate tax and will remove the Department’s
to obtain
estate tax lien. The Florida Department of Revenue will
no longer issue Nontaxable Certificates for estates for
which the DR-312 has been duly filed and no federal
For thresholds for filing federal Form 706-NA
Form 706 or 706-NA is due.
(nonresident alien decedent), contact your local Internal
Revenue Service office.
The 3-inch by 3-inch space in the upper right corner of
the form is for the exclusive use of the clerk of the court.
If an administration proceeding is pending for an estate,
Do not write, mark, or stamp in that space.
Form DR-312 may be filed in that proceeding. The case
Where to File Form DR-312
style of the proceeding should be added in the large
Form DR-312 must be recorded directly with the clerk
blank space in the upper left portion of the DR-312.
Form DR-312 should be filed with the clerk of the court
of the circuit court in the county or counties where the
decedent owned property. Do not send this form to the
and duly recorded in the public records of the county or
counties where the decedent owned property.
Florida Department of Revenue.
When to Use Form DR-312
Form DR-312 should be used when an estate is not
subject to Florida estate tax under Chapter 198, F.S.,
and a federal estate tax return (federal Form 706 or 706-
NA) is not required to be filed. NOTE: This form may
NOT be used for estates that are required to file federal
form 706 or 706A.
To Contact Us
Information, forms, and tutorials are available on our Internet site:
To speak with a Department representative, call Taxpayer Services, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., ET, at
To find a taxpayer service center near you, go to: /contact.html
For written replies to tax questions, write to:
Taxpayer Services - Mail Stop 3-2000
Florida Department of Revenue
5050 W Tennessee St
Tallahassee FL 32399-0112
Reference Material
Rule Chapter 12C-3, Florida Administrative Code and Chapter 198, Florida Statutes. Tax statutes and rules are available
online at: /law