Form Ig258 - Police Premium Report - Minnesota Department Of Revenue - 2013 Page 2

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2013 Form IG258 Instructions
For insurance tax laws, see Minnesota statutes, Chaper 2971 at
Filing Requirements
Due Date
All fire and casualty insurers (except domes-
Attach your Form IG258 to your Form
Check Boxes
tic mutual fire and casualty insurers) autho-
M11, Insurance Premium Tax Return. File
At the top of the form, check if the return is:
rized to write automobile insurance subject
your forms each year with all required at-
• an Amended Return: Check only if you
to Minnesota premium tax, must file Form
tachments by March 1 of the following year.
are amending a previously filed return
IG258 even if no business is conducted dur-
for the same period. Include all original
The U.S. postmark date, or date recorded or
ing the year covered by the report.
and corrected premiums on the amended
marked by a designated delivery service, is
considered the filing date (private postage
Include all premiums except return premi-
meter marks are not valid). When the due
ums and dividends paid by the insurer or its
• for No Activity: Check only if you did not
date falls on a weekend or legal holiday,
agents in Minnesota (in cash or other form
sell any auto insurance.
returns postmarked the next business day
of payment) for auto insurance coverages
are considered timely. When a return is late,
outlined in the company’s annual financial
Information and Assistance
the date it is received at the Department of
statement (NAIC Minnesota state page,
Revenue is treated as the date filed.
lines 19.1–19.4 and 21.1–21.2). Also include
policy fees, premium finance and other
If your Form IG258 is incomplete or inaccu-
service charges.
rate, the department may return the report
and demand that a complete and accurate
We’ll provide information in other formats
(M.S. 297I.25, subd. 2)
report be filed within 30 days (see penal-
upon request to persons with disabilities.
For questions about licensing and regula-
tions, contact the Minnesota Department of
If your Form IG258 is not filed by the due
date, you will be fined $25 for each seven
days you are late (or fraction thereof) to a
maximum penalty of $200.
651-296-6319 or 1-800-657-3602
If you knowingly file an inaccurate report,
you may be fined from $25 to $1,000, and
your certificate of authority may be revoked
by the Department of Commerce. Any
person responsible for filing the report who
fails or refuses to do so within 30 days after
the department requests the report may be
fined up to $1,000.
(M.S. 69.021, subd. 3)


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