combine your 2012 separate tax liabilities to determine your combined
David must complete and submit his 2012 Connecticut income tax
2012 income tax. If either you or your spouse did not fi le a 2012
return to DRS before fi ling his 2013 Connecticut income tax return.
Connecticut income tax return, see the instructions for Part I, Box E,
David’s 2013 required annual payment is the lesser of 90% of the
to determine if you can use the prior year tax as the basis for your
income tax shown on his 2013 Connecticut income tax return or
required annual payment.
100% of the income tax shown on his 2012 Connecticut income
tax return. Since David did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax
If you are fi ling Connecticut returns as fi ling separately for 2013 but
return, David’s required annual payment is 90% of the income tax
fi led a joint Connecticut return for 2012, you must determine your
shown on his 2013 Connecticut income tax return.
share of the 2012 tax (Form CT-1040, Line 14, or Form CT-1040NR/PY,
Line 16). First calculate the 2012 tax both you and your spouse
Eric, a nonresident of Connecticut during the 2012 taxable year,
would have paid had you fi led separate Connecticut returns for 2012
had no Connecticut-sourced income in 2012 and did not fi le a 2012
as married persons fi ling separately. Then complete the following
Connecticut income tax return because he had no Connecticut
income tax liability. Eric moved to Connecticut in June 2013
Your separate 2012 tax liability
and, as a part-year resident of Connecticut in 2013, fi les a 2013
X Your 2012 joint tax liability
Form CT-1040NR/PY.
Both spouses’ separate 2012 tax liabilities
Eric’s 2013 required annual payment is 90% of the income tax
shown on his 2013 Connecticut income tax return.
The following taxpayers, after subtracting Connecticut income tax
Eric must check Box E on Form CT-2210. Because Eric moved to
withheld, have a 2013 Connecticut income tax liability of more than
Connecticut in June, he may benefi t by checking Box A and using
$1,000 and may be liable for interest on the underpayment of their
the annualized income installment method to compute the interest.
estimated Connecticut income tax.
Kim, a part-year resident of Connecticut during the 2012 taxable
Anita, a resident of Connecticut during the entire 2012 taxable
year, fi led a 2012 Form CT-1040NR/PY that covered a 12-month
year, fi led a 2012 resident income tax return.
period and fi les a 2013 Form CT-1040.
Anita’s 2013 required annual payment is the lesser of 100% of the
Kim’s 2013 required annual payment is the lesser of 90% of the
income tax shown on her 2012 Connecticut income tax return or
income tax shown on her 2013 Connecticut income tax return or
90% of the income tax shown on her 2013 Connecticut income
100% of the income tax shown on her 2012 Connecticut income
tax return.
tax return.
If none of the reasons on CT-2210 Part 1 apply to her, Anita is
If none of the reasons on CT-2210 Part 1 apply to Kim, Kim is
liable for interest on the underpayment of estimated Connecticut
liable for interest on the underpayment of estimated Connecticut
income tax. Anita is not required to complete Form CT-2210. DRS
income tax. Kim is not required to complete Form CT-2210. DRS
will calculate the interest and bill her.
will calculate the interest and bill her.
Bill, a resident of Connecticut during the entire 2012 taxable year,
Tim, a resident of Connecticut during the 2012 taxable year, fi led
did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax return because he
as married fi ling jointly on his 2012 Form CT-1040 and as single
had no 2012 Connecticut income tax liability. Bill’s 2013 required
on his 2013 Form CT-1040.
annual payment is zero.
Tim’s 2013 required annual payment is the lesser of 90% of his
Bill must check Box F on Form CT-2210, check the box on Page 1
2013 Connecticut income tax liability or 100% of his separate 2012
of Form CT-1040 that he completed Form CT-2210, and attach
Connecticut income tax liability as computed using the formula
Form CT-2210 to his 2013 Connecticut income tax return.
on the left.
If Tim is using 100% of his separate 2012 Connecticut income
Jim, a part-year resident or nonresident of Connecticut during
tax liability, Tim must check Box B, check the box on Page 1
the 2012 taxable year, had Connecticut-sourced income in 2012
of Form CT-1040 that he completed Form CT-2210, and attach
but did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax return because he
Form CT-2210 to his 2013 Connecticut income tax return.
had no 2012 Connecticut income tax liability. Jim’s 2013 required
annual payment is zero.
Part III - Calculate Your Underpayment and Interest
Jim must check Box G on Form CT-2210, check the box on
Line 8: If you are using the annualized income installment method, skip
Page 1 of Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY that he
Line 8 and Line 9 and go on to Line 10. Be sure you also check
completed Form CT-2210, and attach Form CT-2210 to his 2013
Part I, Box A.
Connecticut income tax return.
If you checked Part I, Box D, because you are a farmer or fi sherman
Sara, a nonresident or part year resident of Connecticut during the
and you have made only one installment of estimated income tax,
2012 taxable year, had no Connecticut-sourced income in 2012
complete Column D only.
and did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax return because
Line 10: If you checked Part I, Box A, because you are using
she had no 2012 Connecticut income tax liability. Sara’s 2013
the annualized income installment method, enter the amounts
required annual payment is 90% of the income tax shown on her
from Schedule A, Annualized Income Installment Schedule
2013 Connecticut income tax return.
Lines 22 through 25, in the appropriate columns. Attach Schedule A to
Sara must check Box E on Form CT-2210, check the box on
Form CT-2210 and also include your computations of your Connecticut
Page 1 of Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY that she
adjusted gross income for each period.
completed Form CT-2210, and attach Form CT-2210 to her 2013
Connecticut income tax return.
Line 11: Enter the total amount of Connecticut income tax withheld in
2013 in Columns A, B, C, and D. Do not enter estimated tax payments
David, a resident, part-year resident, or nonresident of Connecticut
or taxes withheld for the IRS or other jurisdictions.
during the 2012 taxable year, had a Connecticut income tax liability
in 2012 but in error did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax
Example: If your total 2013 Connecticut income tax withheld was
$1,300, enter $1,300 in Columns A, B, C, and D.
Form CT-2210 Instructions (Rev. 01/14)
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