R. 07/12
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Instructions for the Notice of Intent to
Transfer a Florida Energy Tax Credit
Sections 220.191(2)(c), 220.192(6), or 220.193(3)(f), Florida Statutes
Taxpayers may submit a Notice of Intent to Transfer A Florida
You may only take the credit against the Florida corporate income
Energy Tax Credit by completing and mailing Florida Form F-1193T
tax and you must take it in the order described in s. 220.02(8), F.S.
A transfer by an ineligible person does not create a right to a
corporate income tax credit.
Florida Department of Revenue
Revenue Accounting
A taxpayer must retain documentary evidence that substantiates
PO Box 6609
and supports this credit and the Department may request the
Tallahassee FL 32314-6609
evidence at a later date to verify the credit. A schedule tracking
the credit amounts allocated and the use of such credits must be
The Department of Revenue will send written certification
maintained as part of the evidence to support the tax credit.
regarding the amount of the tax credit transferred within fifteen
days after receipt of a completed notice. You must have a letter
Line by Line Instructions for Completing the Application
from the Department certifying the credit transferred for the
Check the box to indicate the credit you wish to transfer.
transfer to be valid. A copy of the Department’s certification
stating the amount of the credit transferred must be attached to
Transferor Information
the tax return on which the transferred tax credit is claimed by the
Please provide the transferor's name, FEIN, address, and a contact
name, telephone number, and e-mail address.
To transfer a Florida energy tax credit:
Provide the beginning and ending dates of the tax year for which
the allocated or transferred credit was originally approved.
You must submit this notice (Florida Form F-1193T);
Enter the original amount of credit allocated or the transferred
For the Florida Renewable Energy Technologies Investment
amount in the case of a previous transfer to the transferor.
Tax Credit (section [s.] 220.192, Florida Statutes [F.S.]), the
transferor must have documentation indicating the amount of
Provide the amount of credit that the transferor previously claimed
credit approved by the Florida Department of Environmental
or transferred.
Protection, or the Florida Energy and Climate Commission,
Provide the tax year(s) in which the transferor claimed or
or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or
transferred the credit amount above.
documentation from the Department of Revenue indicating a
transferred amount in the case of a prior transfer. Transfers
Provide the amount of unused credit.
of this credit (s. 220.192, F.S.), can only be approved for tax
Provide the amount of the credit you want transferred.
years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. The Florida
Renewable Energy Technologies Investment Tax Credit,
The number and/or amount of transfers is limited for the credits
including credit carry forwards and transfers, expires and
authorized by ss. 220.191(2)(c), F.S. and 220.193, F.S. See
cannot be used in tax years that end after December 31, 2018.
previous section, “To transfer a Florida energy tax credit,” for
You must not have claimed the credit amount you want to
transfer on any tax return filed with the Department of Revenue;
Consolidated Return Filing Information
The Florida Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
Complete this section if the transferor is included in a consolidated
(s. 220.193, F.S.) can be transferred in a merger or
Florida corporate income/franchise tax return (Florida Form
acquisition. In addition, unused credits may be transferred
F-1120) for the tax year. Provide the name of the parent of the
one time (outside a merger or acquisition) in whole or in
consolidated group and its FEIN.
increments of not less than 25 percent of the unused credit.
Transferee or Assignee Information
The transferor must have documentation indicating the
Please provide the corporation name, FEIN, address, and taxpayer
amount of the credit approved by the Department of Revenue
contact name, telephone number, and e-mail address.
or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
This credit (s. 220.193, F.S.) can be carried forward 5 years
Transferee’s Tax Year
because of insufficient tax liability.
Provide the beginning and ending dates of the transferee’s tax year
For the Florida corporate income tax Capital Investment
in which they will claim the credit against the Florida corporate
Tax Credit associated with a new solar panel manufacturing
income tax.
project per s. 220.191(2)(c), F.S., the amount of the tax credit
Consolidated Return Filing Information
that may be transferred in any year shall be the lesser of the
Complete this section if the transferee is included in a
qualifying business’s Florida corporate income tax liability for
consolidated Florida corporate income/franchise tax return
the year or the credit amount granted for the year. A business
(Florida Form F-1120) for the tax year. Provide the name of the
receiving the transferred credit (transferee) may use the credit
parent of the consolidated group and its FEIN. This information will
only in the year received, and the credit may not be used in
allow the Department to associate the credit allocation with the
any other tax year.
related Florida corporate income tax return.