Form 13978 - Projected Operations Vita Grant Program Application Plan - 2009

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Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service
Projected Operations
(June 2008)
VITA Grant Program Application Plan
Purpose: This form is to be used by VITA Grant Program applicants. It should accompany the completed VITA Grant
Program Application Plan and should include estimates expected for next filing season in the categories shown.
Grant Period: October 1,
Name of Partner:
through June 30,
Federal Return Preparation
Number of Returns
1. Total low income federal returns filed electronically
2. Total low income federal returns filed as paper returns
3. Total low income federal returns prepared (Add lines 1 & 2)
Number of Sites
Return Preparation Site Information
4. Total established sites - fixed location
5. Total established sites - ad hoc location
6. Total proposed new sites - fixed location
7. Total proposed new sites - ad hoc location
8. Total sites operated (Add lines 4 through 7)
9. Total sites offering paper only return preparation
10. Total sites offering electronic filing
11. Total tax preparation software licenses required by the IRS
Quality Review Method Planned at Sites
Number of Sites
12. Total sites using peer review
13. Total sites using designated review
Estimate the number of volunteers and the total hours the
Number of
Total Volunteer
volunteers will work by type of position they will occupy.
14. Tax Assistors - Certified
15. Support (Greeters, etc.) - Non-certified
16. Site Coordinators
17. Instructors
18. Program Administrators
Estimate the number of federal tax returns expected to prepare for each underserved population. Choose
only one population as your primary and one population as your secondary focus.
Underserved Population
Primary – select one Secondary – select one
Number of Returns
19. Low income elderly
20. Low income rural
21. Low income disabled
22. Low income limited English proficient
23. Low income Native American
24. Low income (not included in Lines 19-23)
Signature Of Responsible Official
Catalog Number 51503C
(Rev. 6-2008)
NOTE: To be completed when applying for entry into the program.


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