33. Schedule “H”
40. Schedule “S” - release for delivery in this State.
Special Note:
Plenary Retail Transit Operators (not under I.C.C.
(a) Schedule “S” is to contain a list under separate headings where
supervision) and Special Permittees-Alcoholic Retailers should use
delivery is to a consignee location within the State of New Jersey, of:
Schedule “H” on reverse side of Control Sheet. It is self-explanatory.
1. All transfers of alcoholic beverages “in-bond” including transfers
of title within the warehouse.
Schedule H-1 - Beverages actually received by the licensee in New
Jersey and includes beverages withdrawn from bonded sections of U.S.
2. All releases of alcoholic beverages from the Federal bonded
Customs/Internal Revenue warehouses and purchases delivered direct
section of the warehouse.
to other licensees and public warehouses for account of the reporting
3. All releases of alcoholic beverages from the Federal tax-paid
section of the warehouse, including transfers of title within the
Schedule H-2 - Alcoholic beverages in transit at the end of the reporting
41. Schedule “T” - release for delivery outside this State.
Schedule H-3 - Incoming returns of alcoholic beverages for which
(a) Schedule “T” is to contain a list under separate headings, of any
inventory or credit memoranda have been issued and for which the
delivery to a consignee located outside of the Stat of New Jersey.
original sale involved taxes being paid in the present or any previous
The list is to contain:
report. Returns must be in sealed containers; and if not actually received,
but delivered to another licensee, the name and license number of all
1. All transfers of alcoholic beverages “in-bond”.
parties must be shown.
2. All releases of alcoholic beverages from the Federal bonded
section of the warehouse.
Schedule H-4 - Incoming returns for which inventory or credit memoranda
have been issued and on which tax credit is not claimed. Returns must
3. All releases of alcoholic beverages from the Federal tax-paid
be in sealed containers; and if not actually received, but delivered to
section of the warehouse.
another licensee, the name and license number of all parties must be
(b) A separate Schedule “T” is to be used for each State into which
shown. (For specifics of Schedule “H” refer to N.J.A.C. 18:3-8.20, 9.13,
deliveries were made.
13.6, 13.14 and 14.15).
42. Schedule “WR-4” - (Public Warehouse Licensees)
34. Schedule “J”
To be used by Public Warehouse licensees in listing, by accounts,
This is a brewery inventory control schedule of Federal tax-paid finished
quantities of any alcoholic beverages broken or stolen during the
products, and must be completed by all breweries. All items must be
reporting period.
entered on the appropriate lines of the schedule. Use a separate rider if
43. Schedule “WR-1” - Purchases of Warehouse Receipts
SPECIAL NOTE - to Transportation Licensees filing Schedules “M”,
Itemize all transactions in purchasing, accepting or otherwise obtaining or
“N”, or “M-N”. It is not required that intra-state shipments be reported.
acquiring warehouse receipts given upon the storage of alcoholic
List each transaction in alphabetical order or daily sequence and
beverages in New Jersey in a U.S. Internal Revenue or Customs
segregate Federal tax-paid shipments from “in-bond” shipments.
warehouse under Federal bond.
35. Schedule “M”
44. Schedule “WR-2” - Sales of Warehouse Receipts
List each shipment of alcoholic beverages to a point outside of New
Schedule “WR-2” is to contain a list of all sales (to any person having a
Jersey from a point inside New Jersey during the bimonthly period. A
New Jersey license or known to have a New Jersey address).
separate Schedule “M” is to be used for each state into which deliveries
were made.
1. Warehouse receipts given upon the storage of alcoholic
36. Schedule “N”
beverages in New Jersey in a U.S. Internal Revenue or Customs
List each shipment of alcoholic beverages to a point within New Jersey
warehouse under Federal Bond.
from a point outside New Jersey during the bimonthly period.
2. All other receipts, certificates, contracts or other documents given
upon the storage of alcoholic beverages in Federal tax-paid
37. Schedule “M-N” (Special Permittees)
sections of a New Jersey licensed public warehouse.
Schedule “M-N” is to contain a list of:
3. List above categories separately and alphabetically by account
All deliveries of alcoholic beverages picked up at a place in New
Jersey and delivered to a place outside of New Jersey.
All return shipments to the original sources within New Jersey from
45. Schedule “WR-3” - Inventory of Warehouse Receipts
places outside of New Jersey.
List all warehouse receipts and all other receipts, certificates, contracts or
All deliveries of alcoholic beverages transported to a pier in New
other documents given upon the storage of alcoholic beverages in New
Jersey or from one pier to another in New Jersey for reshipment to a
Jersey or representing the same, of which the licensee is the owner.
place outside this State.
46. Schedule “WR-4” - (Warehouse Receipts Licensees)
Deliveries and returns are to be listed separately on the schedule, each
Schedule “WR-4” is to contain a list of all alcoholic beverages actually
group properly headed. A separate Schedule “M-N” is to be used for each
received in New Jersey, as samples or otherwise, from any source
state into which deliveries were made.
SPECIAL NOTE - to Public Warehouse Licensees filing Schedules
Each column must be completed in its entirety.
“R”, “RR”, “S”, “T” and “WR-4”. List each transaction in alphabetical
order or daily sequence for bimonthly period.
If any alcoholic beverages received cannot be definitely identified with the
number of a warehouse receipt, receipt, certificate, contract, agreement,
38. Schedule “R”
or other document of which the licensee is the owner at the time of
List under separate headings:
receiving the beverages, give a complete explanation including the name,
1. All receipts of alcoholic beverages in the Federal bonded section
address, and license number of the person from whom the beverages
of the warehouse, including transfers of title within the warehouse.
were received.
2. All alcoholic beverages bottled in bond, giving the name, address
and license number for whom the alcoholic beverages were
39. Schedule “RR”
List all receipts of alcoholic beverages in the Federal tax-paid section of
the warehouse, including transfers of title within the warehouse.
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