State of Connecticut
Form TPM-2
Certifi cation for Listing in the Connecticut Tobacco Directory
as of July 1, 2013
(Rev. 04/13)
This application will not be processed or considered complete until all the information and documents required, either by the application
form, the instructions to the application form, or by the request of the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) or the Offi ce of the Attorney
General, have been submitted.
Complete this form in blue or black ink only.
Part I: General Business and Ownership Information
For completion by participating manufacturers (PMs) and nonparticipating manufacturers (NPMs)
Applicant tobacco product manufacturer identifi cation
Applicant: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address if different from above: ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: _________________________________Facsimile (Fax) number: ___________________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Website address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Name and title of authorized offi cer completing this certifi cation: ____________________________________________________
Manufacturing plant(s) name and street address if different from above: ______________________________________________
Manufacturing plant telephone number: ________________________________________________________________________
Manufacturing plant fax number: _____________________________________________________________________________
Name, title, and telephone number of contact person at plant if different from above: ____________________________________
Attach additional sheet(s) as necessary to provide a complete response.
Attach a photograph or diagram of the manufacturing (fabricating) facility and indicate on the photograph or diagram where the
equipment and facilities for manufacturing the cigarettes, if any, are located.
The undersigned certifi es that as of the date of this certifi cation, the applicant named above is a (initial one):
Participating manufacturer (PM) as the term is defi ned in Section II(jj) of the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) that has
in the past generally performed and is currently generally performing its fi nancial obligations under the MSA.
Nonparticipating manufacturer (NPM) that is in full compliance with Conn. Gen. Stat. §4-28i and implementing regulations
including having made all required deposits into a qualifi ed escrow fund for all the years beginning with calendar
year 2000.
The applicant is the manufacturer (fabricator) of all of the brand families listed in this certifi cation which are intended to be
sold in the United States, including cigarettes intended to be sold in the United States through an importer.