Natalie E. Tennant
Penney Barker, Manager
Secretary of State
Corporations Division
1900 Kanawha Blvd E
Tel: (304)558-8000
Bldg 1, Suite 157-K
Fax: (304)558-8381
Charleston, WV 25305
Office Hrs: Monday – Friday
(Two if you want a filed
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET
stamped copy returned to you)
FEE: $25.00
**** In accordance with WV Code §47-9, the undersigned limited partnership adopts the ****
following Articles of Amendment to its Certificate of Limited Partnership:
1. The name of the limited partnership is:
2. The date of the adoption of the amendment(s) was:
3. Change of Name Information or Text of Amendment:
Change of Name From:
Other amendment(s) (attach additional pages to this application, if necessary):
4. Contact name and number of person to reach in case of problem with filing: (Optional, however,
listing one may help to avoid a return or rejection of filing if there appears to be a problem with the
Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Business e-mail address, if any: ______________________________________________________
5. Signature of person(s) executing document (See below *Important Legal Notice Regarding
Signature): *An amendment must be signed by at least one general partner and by each other
general partner designated in the amendment as a new member.*
Signature of general partner:
Signature of general partner:
Signature of general partner:
*Important Legal Notice Regarding Signature: Per West Virginia Code §31D-1-129. Penalty for signing false document. Any
person who signs a document he or she knows is false in any material respect and knows that the document is to be delivered to the
secretary of state for filing is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand
dollars or confined in the county or regional jail not more than one year, or both.
Form LP-3
Issued by the Office of the Secretary of State
Revised 4/13