Office of Housing
to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and to
Federal Housing Commissioner
an Owner and Management Agent (O/A), and to a Public Housing
Agency (PHA)
HUD Office requesting release of information
PHA requesting release of information (Owner should
provide the full name and address of the PHA and the title of
(Owner should provide the full address of the
information (Owner should provide the full
name and address of the Owner.):
the director or administrator. If there is no PHA Owner or
HUD Field Office, Attention: Director, Multifamily
PHA contract administrator for this project, mark an X
through this entire box.):
X"(3#&)7")7&'+'(?)!")'"()53-')(935)."/%)3.) (9&)51+#&)+J"L&)."/)"/-+'3Y+(3"'5)/&W$&5(3'-)/&2&+5&)".)3' ."/%+(3"')35)2&. ()J2+',A)Z"$)>")'"()9+L&)(")53-')
(935) ."/%)=9&')3()35 )-3 L&')( ") K"$A)Z "$) %+K) (+,&)(9 &). "/%) 9"%&)=3(9) K"$) (") /&+>)"/) >35#$55)=3(9)+)( 93/>) 1+/(K) ".) K"$/)# 9"3#&)+' >)/&($/') (")53-') (9&)
0$(9"/3(K: Section 217 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2004
information it obtains in accordance with any applicable State privacy law.
(Pub L. 108-199). This law is found at 42 U.S.C.653(J). This law authorizes
After receiving the information covered by this notice of consent, HUD, the
HHS to disclose to the Department of Housing and Urban Development
O/A, and the PHA may inform you that your eligibility for, or level of, assistance
(HUD) information in the NDNH portion of the “Location and Collection
is uncertain and needs to be verified and nothing else.
System of Records” for the purposes of verifying employment and income of
HUD, O/A, and PHA employees may be subject to penalties for unauthorized
individuals participating in specified programs and, after removal of personal
disclosures or improper uses of the income information that is obtained based
identifiers, to conduct analyses of the employment and income reporting of
on the consent form. )
these individuals. Information may be disclosed by the Secretary of HUD to a
private owner, a management agent, and a contract administrator in the
[9")T$5()I3-')(9&)8"'5&'()H"/%? Each member of your household who is
administration of rental housing assistance.
at least 18 years of age and each family head, spouse or co-head, regardless of
Section 904 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments
age, must sign the consent form at the initial certification and at each
Act of 1988, as amended by section 903 of the Housing and Community
recertification. Additional signatures must be obtained from new adult
Development Act of 1992 and section 3003 of the Omnibus Budget
members when they join the household or when members of the household
Reconciliation Act of 1993. This law is found at 42 U.S.C. 3544.This law
become 18 years of age.
requires you to sign a consent form authorizing: (1) HUD and the PHA to
Persons who apply for or receive assistance under the following programs are
request wage and unemployment compensation claim information from the
required to sign this consent form:
state agency responsible for keeping that information; and (2) HUD, O/A, and
the PHA responsible for determining eligibility to verity salary and wage
Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
information pertinent to the applicant’s or participant’s eligibility or level of
benefits; (3) HUD to request certain tax return information from the U.S.
Rent Supplement
Social Security Administration (SSA) and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Programs (administered by the
*$/1"5&? In signing this consent form, you are authorizing HUD, the above-
Office of Housing)
named O/A, and the PHA to request income information from the government
Section 202; Sections 202 and 811 PRAC; Section 202/162 PAC Section
agencies listed on the form. HUD, the O/A, and the PHA need this
information to verify your household’s income to ensure that you are eligible
221(d)(3) Below Market Interest Rate
for assisted housing benefits and that these benefits are set at the correct
level. HUD, the O/A, and the PHA may participate in computer matching
Section 236
programs with these sources to verify your eligibility and level of benefits.
HOPE 2 Homeownership of Multifamily Units
This form also authorizes HUD, the O/A, and the PHA to seek wage, new hire
(W-4), and unemployment claim information from current or former employers
H+32$/&) (")I3-' )8"' 5&'()H "/%?) Your failure to sign the consent form may
to verify information obtained through computer matching.
result in the denial of assistance or termination of assisted housing benefits. If
an applicant is denied assistance for this reason, the owner must follow the
)C5&5) ".)<' ."/%+(3"')(" )J& );J (+3'&>?) HUD is required to protect the income
notification procedures in Handbook 4350.3 Rev. 1. If a tenant is denied
information it obtains in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974,
assistance for this reason, the owner or managing agent must follow the
5 U.S.C. 552a. The O/A and the PHA is also required to protect the income
procedures set out in the lease.
8"'5&'(?)<)#"'5&'()(")+22" =)BC!\)(9&);6 0\)"/)(9&)*B 0)(")/&W$&5()+'>)"J(+3') 3'#"%&)3'."/%+(3"')./"%)(9&).&>&/+2)+'>)5(+(&) +-&'#3&5)
Additional Signatures, if needed:
Head of Household
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Other Family Members 18 and Over
Original is retained on file at the project site
ref. Handbooks 4350.3 Rev-1, 4571.1, 4571/2 &
form BC!DEFFG)(02/2007)
4571.3 and HOPE II Notice of Program Guidelines