guidance for Part 8:
Your Trip
8.1 If you are not a national of the country in which you
8.10 Do you intend to visit any other relatives in the uK?
are applying, what permission do you have to stay in that
Answer Yes/No. If yes, please give exact details of your relationship
to them along with their full address including postal code and
Please provide evidence of your immigration status if you are not
contact numbers (including country and area codes).
a national in the country where you are applying, e.g. a residence
8.11 Please provide the following details of all other close
permit, visa, green card
family members in the uK: name; nationality; Details of their
8.2 are you travelling with anyone?
permission to stay in the uK; relationship; address; landline
Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’ please provide the full name, date of birth
telephone number
and nationality of the people you are travelling with. If you are
The definition of a family member can be found below.
travelling in a large group please just give the details of the group
Please provide details of all other close family members in
the UK in the space provided, including name, nationality,
permission to stay in the UK, relationship, address and landline
8.3 Do they already have a visa for the uK?
telephone number. If you require more space please use
Answer Yes/No/They don’t need one.
Part 9 – Additional Information. If you have no other family members
8.4 Please name the relative you will stay with and provide
in the UK please state ‘None’.
exact details of your relationship to them along with their full
address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers
Definition of a family member
(including country and area codes) and details of their
A “member of the applicant’s family” is any of the following persons
permission to be in the uK
Please provide details as requested. If you are not staying with
(a) the applicant’s spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, grandfather,
a relative please give details here of where you will stay during
grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, uncle,
your visit.
aunt, nephew, niece or first cousin; (NB: “first cousin” means, in
relation to a person, the son or daughter of his uncle or aunt);
8.5 Personal email address of the relative that you are staying
(b) the father, mother, brother or sister of the applicant’s spouse;
Please note your relative may be contacted by email to provide
(c) the spouse of the applicant’s son or daughter;
consent for their personal details to be checked.
(d) the applicant’s stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter,
8.6 Will any other relatives be staying here at the same time as
stepbrother or stepsister; or
(e) a person with whom the applicant has lived as a member of an
Answer Yes/No. Please list the names of all other relatives who will
unmarried couple for at least two of the three years before the
be staying at the above address at the same time as you.
day on which his application for entry clearance was made.
8.7 What does the relative you are staying with do in the uK?
Please give details of employment, study etc.
In addition:
Please provide details as requested
Children adopted under an adoption order recognised in UK
8.8 In the last two years has the relative that you are staying
law are treated as if they are the natural children of the adoptive
with sponsored anyone else’s visit to the uK?
parents; and,
Answer Yes/No. Please list the names, dates of birth and
The Immigration Appeals (Family Visitor) Regulations 2003
nationalities of anyone who has been sponsored by your relative
pre-date The Civil Partnership Act (2004). Civil partners are
in the last two years.
considered “a member of the applicant’s family” in the same way
8.9 When and where did you last see this relative?
as a spouse for the purposes of the Family Visitor Regulations
Please provide full details of when and where you last saw this