1. This form is to be completed by each individual who requires medical processing in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DODI)
6130.03, “Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction” and DODI 1304.02, “Accession Processing Data Collection Forms.” This
form must be completed by the applicant with the assistance of the recruiter, parent(s), or guardian, as needed.
2. Replaces the existing medical prescreen form (DD Form 2807-2, AUG 2011). Additional questions have been added to improve its usefulness to the
accessions medical pre-screening process. The questions are intended to provide the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) with
health history information necessary to identify conditions commonly related to medical causes for separation during basic and follow-on training (per
P.L. 105-85, Div. A, Title V, S 532).
3. Use of medical history information facilitates efficient, timely, and accurate medical processing of individuals applying for Service in the United
States Armed Forces or United States Coast Guard. Positive responses do not automatically result in disqualification but are necessary to prompt further
explanation that will be used to determine medical qualification. Medical history information assists USMEPCOM medical personnel in the medical
prescreening of applicants. Accurate responses to all questions are critical and all positive responses must be fully explained. Applicant responses to
questions may be verified using electronically obtained medical history by the USMEPCOM. Medical history information will be used by the
Department of Defense for continuity of care purposes if and when an applicant accesses into the Armed Forces or Coast Guard. Supporting medical
information in the form of historical medical records may also be attached to the Service member’s medical record. Medical history information
collected by the USMEPCOM during accession medical processing will serve as the foundation for a Service member’s lifecycle medical treatment
4. The completed DD Form 2807-2 along with all substantiating and supporting medical documents must be delivered to USMEPCOM for review prior
to scheduling the applicant for medical examination. All documents must be submitted for review in accordance with standards below. After review, the
Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) will notify the Recruiting Service of the applicant’s status.
- 1 processing day prior for applicants with no positive medical history (all items marked “NO” with the exception of items 9 (glasses/contacts), 11
(defective color vision), and 20 (braces) which can be “YES”).
- 2 processing days prior; for applicants with ANY positive medical history (other than those noted above) and 5 OR LESS single-sided pages of
supporting medical documents.
- 3 processing days prior; for applicants with ANY positive medical history (other than those noted above) and MORE THAN 5 single-sided pages of
supporting medical documents.
Secure electronic submission is preferable; if not feasible bring/mail to the nearest MEPS which can be found at
battalions/index.html. All supporting medical documentation must be present with the DD Form 2807-2 to meet the above timeframes for review. After
review by a USMEPCOM provider, appropriate processing notification will be made.
5. If an applicant has been seen by any Health Care Provider (HCP) and/or has been hospitalized for any reason, medical records/documentation must be
obtained and submitted along with a medical release to USMEPCOM. Provide all medical documents via secure electronic submission (if possible) to
the nearest MEPS. If hand-carried or mailed, ensure they are sealed in an envelope marked: “CONFIDENTIAL: MEPS MEDICAL DEPARTMENT".
a. If the applicant was evaluated and/or treated on an out-patient basis, obtain a copy of actual treatment records of the private medical doctor/HCP
(1) office or clinic assessment and progress notes, including the initial assessment documents, subsequent evaluation and treatment documents, and
record of date when released from care to full, unrestricted activity;
(2) emergency room (ER) report(s);
(3) study reports (e.g. x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT), etc.);
(4) procedure reports (e.g., arthroscopy, electroencephalogram (EEG; brain wave test), echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), etc.);
(5) pathology reports (e.g., tissue specimens sent to lab for microscopic diagnosis, abnormal PAP smear cytology, etc.);
(6) specialty consultation records (e.g., neurologist, cardiologist, OB/GYN, gastroenterologist, orthopedic surgeon, pulmonologist, allergist, etc.).
b. If the applicant was hospitalized, obtain a copy of the inpatient hospital record, to include (if any): ER report, admission history and physical,
study reports, procedure reports, operative report (example: surgery to bone or joint), pathology report, specialty consultation reports, and discharge
c. If an applicant has been diagnosed or treated for any attention disorder (Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD), etc.), academic skills or perceptual defect, or had an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan, call/contact the MEPS medical
department for additional instructions.
d. Obtain any and all documents relating to any evaluation, treatment or consultation with a psychiatrist, psychologist counselor, or therapist, on an
inpatient or out-patient basis for any reason, including but not limited to counseling or treatment for adjustment or mood disorder, family or marriage
problems, depression, treatment or rehabilitation for alcohol, drug, or substance abuse.
6. MEPS Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) may locally modify the above instructions and instruct recruiters on what supporting medical documents they
require to complete the DD Form 2807-2 medical prescreen review, if doing so enhances the efficiency of medical processing and is consistent with
DODI 6130.03 and USMEPCOM guidance.
7. If all attempts to obtain required substantiating and supporting medical documents fail, the recruiter must contact the MEPS medical department for
guidance prior to submitting an incomplete medical prescreen packet.
DD FORM 2807-2, MAR 2015
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