1. The owner of the homemade trailer described below (weighing 999 lbs. unladen, or less) must
complete this certification in duplicate.
2. The owner must sign the certification, keep one copy, and give the original to the Department
of Motor Vehicles.
3. The owner must have the vehicle identification number (VIN) stamped on, or attached to, the chassis
of the trailer within 10 days after registering it.
4. This form must be accompanied by a weight slip verifying the unladen weight, and by bills of sale
for the parts that were used to make the trailer.
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that __________________________________________________________ of
(Owner’s Name)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ,
(Street Address - including Rural Delivery, Box Number or Apartment Number)
City of ______________________________ County of___________________________ State of
_________________has filed an application for a vehicle identification number for the homemade trailer
described below, and has been assigned number_________________________.
Type of Trailer (box, boat, utility, camping, cradle, etc.)
I am the owner of the homemade trailer described above, and I certify that it is fully equipped in
accordance with the law. Additionally, I agree to attach or stamp the permanent vehicle identification
number (VIN) assigned to the homemade trailer described above, on the chassis of the trailer in a
position where it can be easily reached for identification purposes. I will do this within 10 days of
registering the trailer.
I certify that the information provided above is accurate. I understand that making any false statements on
this form is a misdemeanor, in accordance with the New York State Criminal Procedure Law.
(Owner’s signature - Sign name in full, not initials)
(Motor Vehicles Representative)
MV-272 (1/17)