Instructions For Form 2553 - Election By A Small Business Corporation Page 4


Do not file Form 1120S for any tax year before the
A corporation (entity) not making the election for its first
year the election takes effect. If the corporation is
tax year in existence that is keeping its current tax year
now required to file Form 1120, U.S. Corporation
should enter the beginning date of the first tax year for which
Income Tax Return, or any other applicable tax return,
it wants the election to be effective.
continue filing it until the election takes effect.
A corporation (entity) not making the election for its first
tax year in existence that is changing its tax year and wants
End of Election
to be an S corporation for the short tax year needed to switch
Once the election is made, it stays in effect until it is
tax years should enter the beginning date of the short tax
terminated or revoked. IRS consent generally is required for
year. If the corporation (entity) doesn’t want to be an S
another election by the corporation (or a successor
corporation for this short tax year, it should enter the
corporation) on Form 2553 for any tax year before the 5th tax
beginning date of the tax year following this short tax year
year after the first tax year in which the termination or
and file Form 1128, Application To Adopt, Change, or Retain
revocation took effect. See Regulations section 1.1362-5 for
a Tax Year. If this change qualifies as an automatic approval
request (Form 1128, Part II), file Form 1128 as an attachment
to Form 2553. If this change qualifies as a ruling request
Specific Instructions
(Form 1128, Part III), file Form 1128 separately. If filing Form
1128, enter “Form 1128” on the dotted line to the left of the
entry space for item E.
Part I
Item F
Name and Address
Check the box that corresponds with the S corporation's
Enter the corporation's true name as stated in the corporate
selected tax year. If box (2) or (4) is checked, provide the
charter or other legal document creating it. If the
additional information about the tax year, and complete Part
corporation's mailing address is the same as someone
II of the form.
else's, such as a shareholder's, enter “C/O” and this person's
name following the name of the corporation. Include the
suite, room, or other unit number after the street address. If
Form 2553 must be signed and dated by the president, vice
the Post Office doesn’t deliver to the street address and the
president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, chief accounting
corporation has a P.O. box, show the box number instead of
officer, or any other corporate officer (such as tax officer)
the street address. If the corporation changed its name or
authorized to sign.
address after applying for its employer identification number,
be sure to check the box in item D of Part I.
If Form 2553 isn’t signed, it won’t be considered timely
Item A. Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Column J
Enter the corporation's (entity’s) EIN. If the corporation
(entity) doesn’t have an EIN, it must apply for one. An EIN
Enter the name and address of each shareholder or former
can be applied for:
shareholder required to consent to the election. If stock of the
Online–Go to The EIN is issued immediately
corporation is held by a nominee, guardian, custodian, or an
once the application information is validated.
agent, enter the name and address of the person for whom
By faxing or mailing Form SS-4, Application for Employer
the stock is held. If a single member limited liability company
Identification Number.
(LLC) owns stock in the corporation, and the LLC is treated
as a disregarded entity for federal income tax purposes,
If the corporation (entity) hasn’t received its EIN by the
enter the owner's name and address. The owner must be
time the return is due, enter “Applied For” and the date the
eligible to be an S corporation shareholder.
EIN was applied in the space for the EIN. For more details,
see the Instructions for Form SS-4.
For an election filed before the effective date entered for
item E, only shareholders who own stock on the day the
Item E. Effective Date of Election
election is made need to consent to the election.
Form 2553 generally must be filed no later than 2
For an election filed on or after the effective date entered
months and 15 days after the date entered for item E.
for item E, all shareholders or former shareholders who
For details and exceptions, see
When To Make the
owned stock at any time during the period beginning on the
Election, earlier.
effective date entered for item E and ending on the day the
election is made must consent to the election.
A corporation (or entity eligible to elect to be treated as a
corporation) making the election effective for its first tax year
If the corporation timely filed an election, but one or more
in existence should enter the earliest of the following dates:
shareholders didn’t timely file a consent, see Regulations
The date the corporation (entity) first had shareholders
section 1.1362-6(b)(3)(iii). If the shareholder was a
community property spouse who was a shareholder solely
The date the corporation (entity) first had assets, or
because of a state community property law, see Rev. Proc.
The date the corporation (entity) began doing business.
2004-35, 2004-23 I.R.B. 1029, available at
When the corporation (entity) is making the election
for its first tax year in existence, it will usually enter
Column K. Shareholder's Consent Statement
the beginning date of a tax year that begins on a date
other than January 1.
Each shareholder consents by signing and dating either in
column K or on a separate consent statement. The following
special rules apply in determining who must sign.


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